4 - Nut Shot

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season one episode four

It was a peaceful night in the Halstead - Lewis house. Rey and Brian were sat on the couch, a piping hot coffee in each of their hands while the first season of Vikings played on their TV. Rey was practically drooling at Ragnar and couldn't see the way Brian was glaring at her.

"Babe, you know you have just as sexy of a partner right here?"

Rey nodded, but didn't take her eyes away from the screen.

"I know, but can you fight with a sword?"

Brian shrugged.

"No. Can you?"

Rey nodded her head while turning her gaze to Brian.

"Yeap, I sure can."

"What? How? Why?" The questioned spilled from Brian's mouth.

"Trust me Babe, you don't wanna know," she admitted before glancing back at the TV.

It wasn't be long before her phone pinged in her pocket. She let out an annoyed sigh knowing exactly who it would be. Without waiting another second the stormed into her room, chucking on a pair of black denim jeans along with a black t-shirt and a grey hoodie.

She then made her way out the door, but not before giving Brian a kiss goodbye and grabbing her gun and badge. It was a quick decision on weather to take the car or her motorbike and within minutes she was speeding down the road with her hands gripped onto the handle bars, racing against time to get to the location before things went bad. She knew the basics of the situation having heard it over the radio through her earphones.

The moment she pulled up to the scene Erin was jogging to her with a Kevlar vest in hand. Ripping off her helmet and taking her protective jacket off, Erin then helped her get her vest on before making their way to Voight who stood in the middle of the road along with the rest of the team.

"House belongs to Dean Masters," Antonio informed. "His file was red flagged to notify Intelligence but he must've been before my time," he continued while showing everyone the picture of the man.

"Oh yea, him," Voight spoke as he instantly recognised the man. "The robbery at the art institute last year, we like him as the fence."

The uniformed Cop beside Antonio then piped.

"The neighbors heard a woman scream. We knocked, he yelled out that he had a gun and to leave him alone."

With that the team stormed into the house with the help of shot gun to blow open the door. As soon as Masters realised they had gotten in his grip tightened on the terrified woman that he had a choke hold on and a gun pointed at her head. Rey followed Erin and Voight as the others blocked him off from attempting to make an escape.

"Drop it!" Rey growled as she aimed her nine millimetre pistol at Masters head, knowing to well she could make the shot if need be.

"Drop you're weapon! Hands in the air!" Jay seethed from the other side of the lounge. "Do it now!"

"Easy, easy," Erin interviened while lowering her pistol. "Everybody take a breath."

"She set me up. She's trying to get me killed," Masters rambled."

"Fine, you're right," Erin said as she tried to calm the situation. "We can handle that."

"I got info. I got info on a deal that's going down and that's why she's setting me up."

"I don't know what he - what he's talking about," the girl spoke up, her voice laced with panic and fear, but it only caused Masters to press his own pistol further towards her head.

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