Chapter 1

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Quick little message thingy the italics are your thoughts and also I will only be using (y/n) any other things that you are usually able to 'customise' like (n/n) or (e/c) I will be doing as the OC because I don't really like that in other stories so yeah that's all I wanted to say enjoy.


"NO NOOOOO" I wake up to only hear myself screaming again. "Fuck calm down (y/n) it was only a dream get yourself together" I'm sweating and heavy breathing, I can tell that my heart rate is well above average. This usually happens when I go to bed it kinda runs in a circle, go to bed, fall asleep, wake up screaming, try and fall back to sleep again which usually never works, like tonight.

I look over to my alarm clock to see that it's only 3:47 am 'well there goes another night I could have had a perfectly good sleep, but you just had to go fuck it up again didn't you (y/n)' I roll my covers down the cold night air nipping at my skin.

I put on some black leggings with a matching sports bra, I grab my phone and some headphones. I make my way over to my window which has been left slightly ajar. 'that's why it was cold before' usually it's not as cold in my room as it was before but I must've forgotten to close my window last night before I fell asleep.

Quietly opening my window just big enough for me to squeeze through and jump out. I use my quirk to control the air pressure making small platforms of compressed air for me to walk down like stairs.

I crouch down behind the bush I've just landed behind and quickly peek over the top to see if Toshi has seen me leave the house. Nope, all the lights are out apart from the downstairs bathroom light which always stays on. It's only a faint glow in the frosted glass.

I quickly and quietly stalk away from my current 'hiding' place 'If someone saw me right now I would've looked really strange haha'. I chuck my headphones into my phone and throw my favourite playlist on. I lightly hum along to the song that's playing while I walk across the street, I slowly start to pick up my pace to a jog then speed up to a run.

About 45 minutes later I turn around and decide to start sprinting back home, running at my top speed gets me back in about 15 minutes give or take a few. As I go to open the door it suddenly swings open revealing a tired, scrawny man in his early 50's.

"(Y/n), we have talked about this you can't just run away from your problems, literally every time you have a nightmare you can't just jump out your window and go on a run" the old my sighs.

"Yeah but what else can I do, sit down and talk about it. Please talking about it is not going to help" I state while walking past him into the house. "But exercising and punching stuff does" I turn around and smile.

I walk up to my room and grab some clean clothes to put on after the shower. I strip off my sweaty running clothes off and hop into the shower, I scrub my skin and wash my hair with my honey scented shampoo and conditioner. I step out of the shower wrapping a fluffy towel around myself. I make my way over to my room, get dressed in my school uniform and go downstairs.

"Are you excited for your first day at UA (Y/n)" Toshinori questions.

"Yeah, but I'm more nervous," I say timidly.

"Don't worry I'm sure that they will all love you"

"Thanks, Dadmight" I run and give Toshi a hug.

I quickly stuff a piece of toast in my mouth while running out the door 'SHIT I can't be late for my first day' Screw it, I think while unfurling my wings oh you didn't know we had wings, well now you do ;) My wings are a shiny white that's slightly tinted blue because of my air pressure quirk usually makes the air that I'm using my quirk on neon blue.

It only takes a couple of beats of my wings and I'm soaring through the air. It only takes a couple of minutes of flying towards UA that it comes into sight, I swoop in just over the gate and touch down. Some people are staring but I just shrug them off 'nothing out of the ordinary' I think to myself while walking to class. I've been here many times before so finding the classroom was easy, I stand in front of a big door that has 2A written across. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I push the door open and look in staring in disbelief.....

AAAHHHHH I know left of a cliffhanger sorry guys but I want you to think of what we/she might be staring at??????? any ideas????? NOPE???? oh well I guess you'll have to see in the next chapter ahhahaha byeeeee

Love hope <3

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