Captivated 34

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Chapter 34: Under New Managment


When Friday rolls around, Mr. Blossom has filled me in on everything I need to know. He packed all of his things and moved them out of the new office. He even changed the name tag on the door to Head Publisher: Hero Finnes-Tiffin.

He has told me that he called a designer and that he will be here to take the new design for the front of the building so that I can change the name.

I told him that I already knew what I was going to change the name to Langfords Publishing Firm. He just smiled and nodded at the name. I knew that I wanted it to be something that is special to me, and Josephine, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

The designer shows up on Monday and gets all of the blueprints and everything else he needs for the renovations. When everything is set, I settle in my new office and get straight to work. Many people has come into the office day and given me gifts and congragulating me on my new position.

I can't help the smile that's been on my face all day and when the clock strikes 8, I smile even wider because I now get to go home with my beautiful, loving, and supporting fiancee.

I shut down my computer, and grab all of my belongings. I stand up and walk to the door, opening it and looking back at my new office. A big smile makes it's way onto my face as I think about how my life can't get any better.

I walk out, closing the door and walking down the hall to Josephine's office. I knock on the door but don't get any answer. I open the door, finding the room empty, the lights off and no sign that she's been in here since this morning.

My brows furrow in confusion as I close the door. My feet carry me to the front desk to where Cheryl sits.

"Where is Josephine? She isn't in her office." I tell her and she looks up from her computer.

"Oh, she went home early today. She said that she wasn't feeling to well. She was going to call you after she left because she didn't want to bother you." She says and I nod.

"Okay, thank you Cheryl." I say and she nods. I walk to the lift and leaving the building.

I hope she's feeling okay. It's odd that she didn't even tell me that she wasn't feeling well. I'm her fiancee after all so I'd stop everything I was doing for her.

I get into my car and drive home quickly. I park in the garge, getting out and taking the lift up to the house. As soon as I open the door, I see Jo sitting at the table, dry tears on her face and a white stick sitting in front of her on the table.



I woke up this morning before Hero, running to the bathroom and puking in the toilet. I instantly knew something was wrong because I haven't been feeling well since yesterday.

I kind of figured what it could've been since my period was a week late. I was shocked because of what Dr. Baker told me but she did say that there was a chance I could be pregnant. It had been a while since I had gotten the shot and it isn't a %100 affective.

I left early, telling Cheryl that I wasn't feeling well and that I could call Hero when I left. I drove to the nearest pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. As soon as I got home, I drank a glass of water and took the test.

I was excited to see if I was pregnant, but I was also really worried. I'm not ready to be a mum and even if I was, I'd be scared for my child. Like Dr. Baker said, there are many risks for me and my baby.

I waited 5 minutes and pulled myself off of the bathroom floor, looking at the test.


It read and I breath out a harsh breath. Hot tears streemed down my face. I'm not sure if they're tears of joy or tears of saddness. I've always dreamed of having a baby, but I'm only 23 and Hero and I aren't even married yet.

I took the test and sat at the table, laying the test in front of me and waited for Hero to get home. I sat there for a couple of hours, not moving and not having the strength to do anything else.

When I looked at the clock, it was 8:30 and a few seconds later, the front door opened and Hero walked in. He closed the door behind me and his eyes landed on me.

He looked between my tear stained face and the pregnancy test laying on the table. He stood frozen in the doorway, just looking at me in disbelief.

"I have to tell you something." I say softly and he meets my eyes. He walks over to me slowly and looks down at the test.

"You... Y-you're pr-" He says and stops before he finishes the word. "My period is a week late and I've been throwing up all day." I say, my voice just above a whisper.

"How long have you known?" He asks and I look down at my hands. "A couple of hours now." I say and he sighs.

"Why didn't you call me Jo? You should've called me when you got the test so that we could've take it together." He says and I nod.

"I know but I didn't want to bother you at work. It was your first day and I didn't want to add any more stress to it." I tell him and he walks closer to me, kneeling down so that we're eye level now.

"Baby, this wouldn't have put any more stress on me. This is a good thing." He says a smile on his face but it falters when I don't smile with him.

"Isn't it?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't know. All that keeps running through my head is what Dr. Baker said about all of the risks that could happen. Miscarriage, giving birth to a stillborn, I could even die while giving birth. I just don't want us to go through that kind of pain so I don't know what to think about it yet." I tell him and he sighs.

"Baby, this is a good thing. Everything is going to work out like we want it to, I promise." He says and a small smile makes it way onto my face.

"We're having a baby." He says and places a hand onto my stomach. "We're having a baby." I repeat, finally feeling happy about this.

Author's Note

Short but sweet chapter. They're having a baby!!!

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