Listen To My Voice

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Date: 22nd of September 2018
Lena POV:

"Oh my god", I said after realising who was in the alley way. I soon calmed down and realised that the Elizabeth Olsen was having a panic attack. I ran over to were she was sitting and calmly approached her not wanting her to think I'm some crazy fan. "Hey, hey are you alright", I asked her even though I had a fair idea of what triggered this. "I'm fine, I-I am al- alright." She tried to act strong but I saw right through her.

"Elizabeth your not alright, I need you to focus on my voice okay. Just listen to my voice." I made my way a bit closer to her, not wanting to make her feel anxious. "Hug me", Elizabeth said still panicking. "What, did you just ask me to hug you". I was so confused but then I realised that affection must calm her so I quickly wrapped my arms around her. I sat their hugging her for a while and then I heard Elizabeth say something.

Elizabeth POV:

I kept thinking to myself how weak I was, I couldn't even put myself together and now a girl who looks no older than 15 years old is hugging me to cal me down. "I'm sorry," I said just above a whisper to the girl. "There's nothing to be sorry for. I could tell during the interview you seemed a bit on edge." This girl was at Jimmy Fallon, great. I can imagine the headlines if she put this in social media. "How old are you?" I asked as I finally stopped shaking. "I'm 14, my name is Lena. It's nice to officially meet you Elizabeth."

She seems so mature for a 14year old, I thought to myself. "Well I'm guessing you already know who I am then, but please call me Lizzie, only my mother calls me Elizabeth. I laugh a bit making Lena chuckle a little. "Do you want to talk about the panic attack?", Lena asked me in a calm tone. I know she's only a teenager but I feel like I could tell her anything. "Uh, we'll when Jimmy asked if I wanted kids that triggered it." I said briefly explaining it. I didn't know if I should tell her I'm infertile, after al I just met this girl.

Lena POV:

"Can I ask you something", I say to Lizzie. She looks at me for a moment before nodding her head. "You didn't panic just because Jimmy asked you about kids did you, you panicked because you physically can't have kids and don't want the world to know." Lizzie looked at me with tears in her eyes and I just wrapped my arm around her and held her tight. All I was thinking about in this moment is I know how tough that is for someone to go through, as well as Spencer would be very jealous in this moment. "You are very mature for your age Lena, I can't believe a child is comforting me in a dark alley way". Lizzie said getting up from the alley way floor. "Everyone needs comforting sometimes, it's normal and so are panic attacks. Well they are normal for us at least." I said a quietly following Lizzie out of the alley. "Thank you Lena, you really helped me and I'm forever grateful. Not many people can calm me down from a panic attack but looks like you've got the power to do so", Lizzie said to me. "No problem, well I guess I should start walking home", I said realising my foster parents failed to pick me up, like I was expecting them to actually be parents for one night. "It's way to dark for you to be walking home by yourself, let me walk you home. I took an Uber anyways and I'm sure we will keep each other company", Lizzie said with a reassuring smile on her face. "Okay sure why not, umm well I really like your first marvel movie, ahh umm OH age of ultron", I said thinking of conversation. "Thank you, are you a marvel fan?" "I mean not really, my best friend Spencer made me watch them all with him. He's more of a fan than anyone I know, and he's like in love with you. But my favourite out of all of them is the one your in". I smiled and looked down at my feet. "Ohh that makes sense, I think I saw you in the audience when I walked out, I thought your friend was gonna run out on stage, but you Lena looked like your were gonna fall asleep". Lizzie said laughing away. "To be fair I was sort of dragged along to this, if I didn't love Spencer so much I would be at home binge watching criminal minds and listening to music", I said genuinely enjoying this chat with Lizzie. I don't know what it is but she's easy to talk to.  After nearly walking for 35 minutes we finally made it back to my 'home'. "This is my stop, thanks for walking me back. I can't believe Lucy and Steve didn't pick me up", I said to Lizzie and she seemed a bit concerned. "It's alright don't worry about it, you miss Lena Luthor are easy to talk to", Well I guess Lizzie gave me a nickname, never thought that would happen. "We have a super girl fan over here, I am very proud of you Miss Aubrey plaza", I gave her the nickname of her friend because Aubrey is in criminal minds and she's one of my favourite actresses. "I'm beyond confused on why you gave me that nickname but I'll let it slide. I only live 10 minutes away so I'm gonna walk home now Luthor. Again thanks for tonight". Lizzie said walking away. "Nice to meet you Aubrey", I screamed and Lizzie very subtlety gave me the finger. Tonight was a night I'll never forget, I think I'm in shock still.

Elizabeth POV:

I walked in my door and immediately got changed into my super girl hoodie and laid in bed. Tonight was great until the panic attack but Lena really helped me. Walking her home we talked about all sorts of things, how she's living with a foster family, she loves singing and criminal minds and she also suffers from panic attacks and anxiety. When I talked to her and got to know her I almost got a maternal feeling but also a best friend feeling. It's crazy because she's 14 but I swear I could tell that kid anything. After laying in bed thinking about today I went on Instagram and decided to see if she followed me and sure enough she did. I looked through her profile for a while and looked at all her posts. I sore she posted a photo of her and I'm assuming is her best friend Spencer in the audience of Jimmy Fallon. I decided to message her and thank her again for tonight and helping me, although I was extremely hungry so I ordered food and decided to watch criminal minds since Lena loves it so much and of course my best friend Aubrey is in it eventually. I'll text her after I watch a couple episodes and surprise her.

A/N: Okay this chapter is a bit longer but I think it's good! The next chapter is just going to be Lenas Instagram feed and her posts to get a feel of her style and vibe. I might upload Lena and Spencer's instagrams and aesthetic for the next 2 chapters and then back to the story. Thank you so much for the support

Dreams do come true- Adopted By Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now