part 5

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The next morning I woke up at 6:30 am. I packed everything before I went to bed last night.

I took a quick shower, cause god knows I won't be able to for a while.

I got out and french braided pig tails in my hair while it was still wet. My hair is so thick it's not even worth blow drying.

After I was ready I took my 2 backpacks and laid them in front of the door. I hopped in my car and quickly drove to the Walmart down the road to pick up a couple things.

When I got back I packed the things I bought in my backpack and sat down on the couch.

A short while later I heard loud honking outside my apartment.

Craig was about to knock as soon as I opened the door.

"Good morning!" He smiled as he grabbed my bags and threw one on each shoulder.

"Hey! I'm so excited!" I hugged him with one arm.

"You ready?" He smiled.

"Yeah." I said as I shut and locked my door behind me.

Once we got in the bus Rob was sitting  at a small table in the Kitchen area.

"Hey! Salem, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"She's our photographer." Craig said nudging his arm and smiling as he walked towards the bunk area.

"We wanted it to be a surprise." I said smiling and fidgeting with my hands awkwardly.

"Well cool, but isn't she driving herself? They usually do." He asked confused.

"No, this way it's easier, she'll be there when we need her instead of god knows where else." Craig said.

"Oh-" Rob said in angst.

"Oops." TJ and another guy I haven't met yet, said as they popped out of the door to the bunk area.

"What happened?" Craig asked suspiciously.

"Well you know we usually have a Junk Bunk Craig." Rob said a little irritated.

Craig and I walked back to the bunk area and the bunk he had saved for me was filled to the top with stuff.

"Woah, Backpack City." I said with a laugh.

Craig looked very frustrated.

"Hey it's okay..." I said rubbing his back awkwardly. I'm not good at this whole consoling thing apparently.

"... I can just sleep in the front lounge or something.

"Is there literally no where else we can put this stuff?" Craig asked down the bus.

"We looked bro." The guy said, he looked anxious.

"I don't think we've met yet." I said reaching my hand out to shake his.

"Oh I'm Kevin Thrasher. Monte and Michael picked me to replace them." He said with a chuckle.

"Dang, both of them? You must be good. I'm Salem." I said as he shook my hand.

"I'm just gonna clean the stuff out of my bunk and you can take it." Craig said to me, rubbing his face in frustration.

"Uhh- first of all hell no. And second of all HELL NO." I protested, turning back around to face him.

He looked at me confused.

"Look, you have to be well rested for shows. It is gonna be one boring ass show if your tired. YOU NEED YOUR ENERGY MAN!" I said only half joking.

I managed to get a small smile out of him.

"Dude just sleep with Craig." Kevin said. The only problem is I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

I quickly looked at Craig still trying to figure out if it was sarcasm. Craig looked embarrassed.

Definitely wasn't sarcasm.

"Craig is red as fuck!" TJ blurted out laughing.

Craig shot a death stare at him.

"TJ is fired as fuck!" Craig shot back. Earning a laugh from Kevin and Rob.

Escape The Fate's Photographer *A Craig Mabbitt Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now