The back of the closet

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Daniel gives Jen an agrivated look as she eats a tub of ice cream on the kitchen counter of their temporary abode.

Jen looks up from her device to look at her religious co-worker eyeing her with livid irritation.
She arches her eyebrow in confusion before asking,
"What, Daniel?"

"Jen, can you please not eat that right now?"

"What? Why not?"

Daniel furrows his eyebrows in response and aggressively gestures to his blue-ish white tipped fingers. Jen rolls her eyes,

"Just because you were gone for a long time building that temple in a cold place doesn't mean I can't enjoy some coldness too"

"Thank you for that convenient explanation of what episode this takes place after, Jen. I'm so glad you're experiencing the drastically miniscule, in comparison cold treat and not getting me the aloe vera gel thats right next to you"

"Daniel... " Jen scolds before she hands Daniel the aloe vera gel.

"This frostnip is getting on my gosh darn nerves, this task Xemüg asked of me sure was a hinderance to my physical form" Daniel opens the cap but Jen stop him before he applies any,

"You should probobly change out of those winter clothes Daniel, you look damp in them"

"right" Daniel gently places the bottle down back on the counter and turns around to go into his own room. Jen goes back on her phone.

Closing the bedroom door he takes a couple more steps towards the bed and unzips his thick white coat. He takes out his pure white bonnet from his jacket pocket and places them all on the bed.

Making his way to the closet he browses through some dry clothes he could quickly slip into and get back to Jen.
He stops his hand when he reaches a familiar attire that's usually worn by a naive and optimistic, redheaded councilor.

"Now what's this doing here? I thought I burned it after the last time I wore this" Daniel takes the camp councilor uniform off it's hook and examines it.

The greenshirt that still somehow smelt of pine and firewood even in a musty closet over a good amount of time, looked clean and undamaged infront of him. Strange, even the small brown vest and yellow ascot still seemed very well freshened up.

Did he still have the shorts and boots too?

Daniel walks over to his dresser and searches the neatly folded pile of shorts. He finds the green khakis shorts, also in good condition.

He turns his head to the neatly alighned shoes on the far wall. David's brown boots stood there among the other few white shoes.

He looked up at the ceiling for a bit mildly disturbed on why he'd kept David's entire ensemble in such a good state before he departed to Antarctica.

Was this one of Xemüg's signs?
Should he wear the outfit again? Perhaps Xemüg's telling him that if he impersonates David again, he'd succeed?

Daniels eye's light up and he grins down at the hanger holding the camp campbell councilor uniform.

"I suppose, I could see if this is what Xemüg expects of me"


Jen sits at the counter still on her phone, texting Gwen.

'Guess who's back just now

'You went somewhere?'

'No, Danieeeeel'

'Really? Well shit. No offense but he's kinda a dick'

'I wouldn't call him a dick. He's just really devoted'

'You're in that cult too tho?'

'Yeah but Daniel's batshit crazy for it, kinda makes me wonder if he could get a bigger boner for something else like jeeze'

'Wats he doin' now? 🤔'

'Changing into some dry clothes or smthn :/ '

Jen looks up at her friend's door before adding,

'...been in there for a while tho'

'You gonna go barge in unannounced'

'Is that a question?'


'Good bc you're right 👏'

Jen stands up from her spot at the counter and makes her way towards Daniel's door. She slowed her steps when she got close as to not make any creaking noises that would alert Daniel of where she were.

She places the side of her head to rest on the door to see if she could hear any clothes shuffling. Wouldn't wanna see him naked afterall.

She could hear some fabric russling from the other side but not in the way that indicated removal.
Satisfied, she grabs the knob and readies her phone in one hand.
Turning the door handle and swinging it open she looks at...

"Daniel?" Jen asks bewildered at his choice if clothing.

Daniel freezes at the call of his name and turns around to see Jen in the doorway holding her cellular device up in a way that would capture a perfect view of himself.

"JEN" He squeals in embarrassment.

Jen takes a couple more pictures for this priceless moment. She's never seen Daniel so flustered!

"Stop that!" Daniel demands, getting ready to lunge at her.

Jen giggles and starts to back away before the other blonde could attack.

Jen runs to the living room and goes behind the couch. Daniel chases after her and tries to cut her off by going on the other side of the couch...yeah, you know how that plays out.

"Wow Daniel, you must really love that redheaded guy to dress up as him" Jen taunts, holding up her phone again to get a better angle.

"Of course not! He's an idiot" The other defends.

"You're one to talk Danny boy"

"Please don't refer to me as that"



"Daniel and David together, dummy"
Jen refers to that one message Gwen sent her. Something about 'lemons' and that name fusion.

Jen sends some pictures to Gwen while she had some time. Who knows if Daniel would take out his weird bent knife and stab her? Who better than Gwendolyn to have them saved on her phone?

Jen's phone pinged as she sent the pictures.

Daniel groans at the sound and reaches for something behind his back...

Jen's eyes grow as Daniel pulls out a whole fucking gallon of bleach out of nowhere,
"Seriously, where do you store these things?"

"Come closer and I can show you"

"Please, I'm not that retarded"

"Yes, and that's why you're going to delete any footage of me off your cellular electonic unless you really want me to bleach all your clothes white"

Jen gasps in exaggerated horror at the threat.

"You wouldn't..." Jen then starts to chuckle before continuing,
"If my clothes were dead white, we'd be seeing a lot more red then we normally see"

Daniel begins to chuckle too,
"That sounds wonderful actually, your point?"

"My point is that you're not doing anything and neither am I. We both know Xemüg doesn't like sacrifices that he does not deem ready"

Daniel tightens on a frown and furrows his eyebrows. He leaps over the couch and tackles Jen on the ground.
The action was so abrupt Jen didn't have any time to react.

Dropping her phone, it glides across the smooth wooden floor of their living room as the result of Daniel colliding with her.

"I should get rid of these...or not" -DanielWhere stories live. Discover now