Finding the phone

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"NIKKI" Max yells

Rapid panting fades in as the green pigtailed, (proclaimed) agent of chaos spider style crawls down a tree.

"ey Mwax!" Nikki says around the dry erase marker in her mouth.

"Can you give this to David"
Max takes out the cell phone from his pocket and tosses it at the other.
The dry erase marker falls to the ground as Nikki catches the thing,
"Sure! Can you take this to Neil? He ran out of writing stuff" Nikki picks up the disgarded marker and throws it to Max.
A pomf sounded as it lands in his hair. He quickly takes it out.
"What the fuck Nikki"

Nikki giggles and quickly goes back to the tree,
"GIVE IT TO NEEEEEEEEEIL" Nikki runs back up the tree again with the phone.

Max sees the last visable parts of Nikki dissapear in the leaves and then shifts his focus to the rest of the activities feild.

He spies Neil at his cheap ass cardbord station trying to salvage something of the graphing calculators.

"Hey nerd" Max greets.
Neil rolls his eyes but exchanges the words all the same.

Gwen comes out from behind Preston's Theatre Camp curtains and immediately spies the fluffy haired little fucker.
Relief flashes in her gaze seeing that he's just talking with Neil...or plotting with Neil.
The relief vanishes and is replaced by the usual tiredness for the anticipated antics.

The female counciler goes up to the two campers.

"Ok Max, stop messing with David and give back his phone"

The 10 year old faces the intruding guest,
"Don't have it"

"You're the only one who takes his phone, what do you mean you don't have it?"

"Get this shit in your head Gwen, I don't fucking have that idiots phone"

Gwen sighs; David better not have just misplaced it.

"Ok...I'm gonna check with David then"

The ponytailed councilor goes off to find the redhead.

Neil arches an eyebrow at Max,
"What did you do?"

"Just forwarded a couple texts no big deal, now hurry up and download those cat videos"


"Give it up Jen, you're only hurting yourself by keeping those pictures"

Daniel presses his sacrificial knife to Jen's neck.

Jen giggles at the other,
"You're hurting your pride if you keep fighting me with that gettup" Jen smirks up at Daniel and continues,
"Though, you honestly do look good in that. Ditch the knife and you'd look like a pure wholesome soul. You wouldn't need to wear the purest color to make up for that then"

Daniel's neck cracks,
"Just tell me your passcode Jen"

"Tsk, I bet David would remember my birthday~" Jen teases before mumbling,
"If I ever told him"

"You're insufferable!" Daniel drops his stance freeing Jen from her bound position.

A ping comes from the discarded device.

Daniel walks over to the little thing and sees a text from a 'Gwendolyn' .
He looks back over to Jen who is sitting comfortably propped up against the wall starring at her fellow blonde-y.

"I should get rid of these...or not" -DanielWhere stories live. Discover now