And so it spreads

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A female counciler with a ponytail sits at her desk, elbows resting on the surface; serving as a base to Comfortably prop up her phone.

This is just what she needed, some non-camp related drama provided by her strange blonde look-a-like.

Speaking of look-a-likes,
David should dress up as Daniel too.


Gwen smirks at the thought of the two lanky built adults having an outfit swap.
'That actually sounds like a good prompt, I gotta write that down'

Gwen opens the desks drawer and pulls out her notebook of ideas to quickly jot down that lucky strand of inspiration.

Suddenly someone knocks at the door. Gwen hastily shuts her notebook with an audible pomf.

"Gwen, I know this is your break but I can't seem to find Max or my phone anywhere! I don't think he's off campus but I really need my phone back!"

Gwen sighs before getting up and opening the door to face David.
"Fine, I'll help find that little gremlin"
Gwen says brushing past her co-counsiler.

Normally she'd have denied but this was Max, the little shit could've probably done something to ruin her day off anyways. Best to kill his plans before it happense.

"Hey! Max is not a gremlin"
David corrects but follows her lead.

As the two adults shrink in the distance, black fluffy hair emerges from one of the bushes followed by teal eyes looking at the cabins open doors.

Max enters the councilor's personal resting area and looks around. It's rare that he'd have an opportunity to snoop around in there without David or Gwen occupying the space to shoo him out.
You'd think it'd be easy when both are on duty, but that just makes it easier for David to keep on eye on him and David's a pain to shake off.

He heads over to David's side of the cabin and looks at his desk.

It was nothing special, just a dark brown desk with David's dumb camp collectibles.
A bulletin board hung above it though, a bunch of pictures of some kids that attended camp long before littered the surface. Max gave it no mind, marking it as lame.

A small ping sounded behind him.

Turning around he sees Gwen's phone glowing with the homescreen page. The light radiating off of the cellular device pulling him in.

'Look at that, it's still on'
He thinks to himself as he picks up her phone and looks at the notification that drew him over:

'Gwennie!!! save these pictures before he tries to delete them'

The 10 year old camper raises his eyebrows, furthering his curiosity before tapping on the notification bar.
Eyes widening, he sees a stream of pictures featuring Daniel in David's clothes. He couldn't help but wheeze.

Calming down from the sudden dopamine, he smirks as he forwards the pictures to David's phone. A ping comes from his hoodie pocket.

"I should get rid of these...or not" -DanielWhere stories live. Discover now