Ben and Jerry's

111 6 0

"Gwen?" David says as he sees his CBFL open the cabin doors.

"Oh my God David, did you seriously misplace your phone?" Gwen stares intensely at the other sitting on the bed.

"Golly Gwen! I promise you that I did not misplace my device. Infact, Nikki gave it back to me"

The auburnette looks down at the bright screen,
"Actually, I was just wondering why you sent me pictures of Daniel in uniform"

Gwen goes over to look at what David sees,

It's those pictures omg-

"Max" Gwen lowly mutters under her breath.

David looks back down at the image.
Where did these come from?
A 'Jennifer' lady yes but...

A realization dawns on the male councilor. Gwen's making other friends! That's so great! I wonder if I know this Jennifer.

"Sorry David, I'm still in contact with Jen...I do know the culty connections with Daniel but-"

It's THAT Jen
"You have Daniel's number?" David interrupts.

"I- no, Jen does"

"Well gosh Gwen, I didn't know you wanted to make friends with these guys! Don't worry CBFL, you can invite them over any time. I could arrange an activity with the campers so you can chat! I wonder if Daniel's still up for teaching the kids some Latin" David gets up from his spot and goes over to his desk. He opens a binder and shuffles through the pages.
"I'm so excited to see them again! I can't believe both Jen and Daniel got sent to the hospital in the same day, this would be so good to see how they healed and if they're well-"

"David, that is such a bad idea" Gwen cuts in,
"Plus, Daniel just came back from antarctica"

"Oh yeah...You don't think he's still registered as a councilor at the woodscouts right?"


"Oh hooey, he probably still is...oh well!" He shuts the binder closed and spins to face gwen again.

"David- ugh" The ponytailed burnette takes a breath in before speaking. How does David not run out of air?

"Do you really want to see Daniel again? Don't you remember last time we saw him? He tried to sacrifice Nikki"

"Why are you still talking with him then?"

"I'm not, I talk to Jen"


"I swear if you have a weird gay crush on Daniel-"

David pushes a peice of folded loose leaf paper to Gwen as a slight blush threatens to take over his cheeks.

Gwen takes the paper and unfolds it. It's a letter from Jen.

"Oh shit, you seriously do?"

"No, Jen sent me a box with Daniels clothes a while back"

Gwen skims over the note,

"What the fuck"

"...Do you think it's a good idea for me to wear it?"

"If I can take pictures then fuck yeah"


"Okay Danny, let's make a deal. Let me finish my tub of Ben and Jerry's and I'll tell you my password" Jen starts to get up from the ground.

"Fine, just let me delete them" Daniel enters the open kitchen and takes a re-frozened tub from the freezer.

As soon as Daniel slides over the ice cream container, Jen is already seated at the counter and catches the tub.

"And now?" Daniel says expectantly.

"It's 6 13 1991, now leave me be" Jen quickly rids of the lid and stabs a spoon right in the middle. She begins to work at the surface of the still frozen Strawberry Topped Tart flavour.

Daniel plugs the pin in and lets him through. He goes over to the gallery app and proceeds to delete every last trace of himself from it (and some questionable extra's). But before he shuts the thing off, another notification pops up from that 'Gwendolyn'.

He clicks on the notification and his face flushes red at what he'd witnessed.

Jen, with a spoon of ice cream in her mouth spots this and grins wide.

"Whatcha find Danny boy?"

It was pictures of the red haired idiot in all white...specifically Daniel clothing white. Jen must've sent the pictures to David and that caused David to reply back with pictures of himself in...THAT.

After this embarrassing realization has registered in his overheated mind, he throws the phone up and stabs in mid fall as of instinct.

Jen gawks at her stabbed phone, completely shattered and peirced by Daniel's bent knife, confirming her hunch that he would stab something.

"You're getting me a new one Daniel!" Jen angrily orders.

"I'm going to hecking burn these clothes!" Daniel says, ignoring Jen as he storms off to change and get lighter fluid.

"Aww, and I was just getting used to the outfit on him too"

Jen looks over to her freshly broken cell. It flickers and turns on.

"No freaking way" Jen mutters as she inches closer to the very thing.

Smashed in the middle but somehow the screen still shines. Now she can see why Daniel was so rilled up.

"PFT-" Jen quickly takes the spoon out of her mouth and swallows the ice cream chunk before she choked. She continued to stiffle a laugh at the images on screen.

She never would have thought of David deciding to wear what she sent over there. It was just to piss Daniel off a while back.

The blonde ponytailed cultist took the miraculously usable device in hand and sent a


,then a disclaimer that she's getting a new phone before finally letting the screen fade darkness to never be opened ever again.
She throws it in the trash and sits back down to eat her ice cream.

"I should get rid of these...or not" -DanielWhere stories live. Discover now