The Eating Habits

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Breakfast Buddy

Kai'sa had gotten used to you having to leave early for work. It was just a part of the job.

She would sometimes wake up when you were leaving to say goodbye, or she would wake up alone in bed. Not that it ever bothered her.

She had grown used to it after the first month or so you got your job. So from Monday to Friday, she ate breakfast alone.

That did not change after you got married.

And today was no exception.

She ate her bowl of cereal on the couch as she watched the morning news. She had poured the last of what you had so she would need to either text you to get more or pick some up herself after work.

Kai'sa suddenly found herself looking at the empty space beside her.

Little did she know, you had actually left to buy some pastries. Your boss did actually need you until the afternoon, so you planned on having breakfast with your beautiful wife.

However, when you walked back into your home, you found your spot taken by a pillow that had one of your hoodies in it along with a pair of your glasses.

Y/N: Uh....

Kai'sa: Oh, Y/N. Meet Pillow Y/N. My breakfast buddy.
Lunch Meetups

Kai'sa was always busy when she worked. So it was rare for the two of you to be able to have lunch together.

You had your lunch break from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM. Kai'sa had hers whenever the job allowed.

And they did allow one. You made sure of that after they didn't let her eat one day and you had a...."chat" with them.

But here you were, eating lunch as you enjoyed your hour and a half break alone. You sometimes went with your co workers, but today you felt like trying something new.

Kai'sa: Y/N?

You looked up from your food to find your wife standing there with her manager.

Y/N: Oh. Hey.

Kai'sa: What are you doing here?

You pointed to the food. Kai'sa suddenly got an idea and turned to her manager. They spoke quietly before Kai'sa sat down across from you with her own food.

Kai'sa: I'll be your lunch pal for today, if that's alright.

You just smiled.

Y/N: Of course.

You found that lunch tasted much better when you ate it with your wife.
After Work Greetings

You were always home first. Until today, that is.

Kai'sa was surpised when she was told that it would be an early day. So she did everything with an ever present smile. And once she was freed, she said goodbye to her friends and hurried back to the house as quickly as possible.

There, she devised a plan. She quickly cooked something simple yet filling, she drew a bath, and she decided to do something that she always wanted to do with you.

You ended up coming home not long after. You spoke to your neighbors briefly before you pulled out your keys and opened the front door. Once it was closed, however, you were greeted with an surprising sight.

Kai'sa: Welcome home~

You blinked as you looked at your wife, who wore only an apron.

You could smell the fresh food in the kitchen and you could hear the water running upstairs. Kai'sa slowly approached you, making sure to swing her hips, smirking the entire way.

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