Chapter 27

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It was a week before my due date and I was starting to feel major pains. I got myself up slowly and got some motren. 

"Niall, I think i'm going into labor."

"Alright, just get dressed I have your bag packed up." He said as I got dressed and we got into the car rushing to the hospital. I was taken into a room and they after a while gave me a epidural seeing I was in labor and the contractions killed. I was freaking out on the inside. This was really happening and from what i've seen on those MTV show's it is not something you should look forward to.

After hours on end it was finally time. I pushed and pushed until I heard crying from what was a baby. The doctors wrapped her in a blanket then washed her off and handed her to me. A smile spread on both Niall and I's faces. She was finally here. Her eyes shined just as bright maybe brighter than Niall's, the little hairs she had on her head were a beautiful brown. Her face was more to Niall's look but her body was like mine when I was a baby.

We spent about 2 or 3 nights there until we finally could come home. Once we got in I kissed her forehead and set her in her crib. I honestly think she is crazy because I got a whole night's sleep and so did Niall with no crying or interruptions. And that's how it was for the past few months.

"So how has it been with Tara?" Danielle asked taking a sip of her frappe.

"She is the strangest baby, she never cries and she is just like I don't know.. Perfect!" 

"Ah, I want to meet her! When are we going to?"

"Well, i'll call up the boys, El, and Perrie so you can all come over for a while!" She nodded excitedly as we left to get some shopping done for the summertime which was coming up. And that also meant the boys had a mini 2 month tour in the U.S and the VMA's. This is just like Summer 2012 when we had tour and the VMA's. I was so happy to go back to my hometown for a bit. Since I moved to London my Dad got a great job and they are making a lot of money and my Brother has moved out and is living with his gorgeous girlfriend who I can finally meet. 

I decided to walk to our room where Niall was and tell him we were having guests over so he could pick up a little while I cook. Tara was fast asleep in her room so I left her in peace. Once dinner was done I set it in a buffet style on our island clearing the table up. Niall was now finished cleaning so he came up and kissed me our lips moving in sync.

"Hey Love!" He smiled pulling away. "Oh. My. Food." He said dropping his jaw as if it was some gorgeous girl in front of him.

"Niall, close your mouth your gonna catch flies!" I laughed.

"OKAY MOM!" He teased back at my order to him. We leaned in to kiss and we kept going Niall was begging for entry so I let him in but we heard the door click, as Louis rushed in pulling Eleanor as she tried to keep up, once he saw Niall and I he started whistling as El slaped him rolling her eyes.

"Get some Niall!" He chanted as we quickly broke apart trying to brush it off.

"God damnit Louis! You have to knock!" He laughed as Louis fake cried sitting on the couch. Soon everyone followed behind. We dug in like we were at at buffet. I laughed at my irish pig that I loved to death. After dinner I thought it would be good to grab Tara and let everyone meet her. She stayed asleep the whole time we had showed her off. Probably worn out from playing with Niall a few hours ago.

The whole night went quite well but when they all left Niall and I put in a movie like always. It was my favorite 'The Breakfast Club'. BEST. MOVIE. EVER. Well that is beside's Toy Story. I was still a child at heart alright? 

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