I am sick and tired of locking doors to have a minute of peace.
I am sick and tired of this being my day-to-day reality, of my pain meaning that I'm a better person.
I can't take another day where depression is hid by fake smiles, cut up legs by long sleeves and a smile, confusion about identity hidden by a simple shrug.
I hate that I can't know if anyone around me knows that I have starved myself, counted calories and ran until I almost collapsed, then got up and started again.
When look around, all I see are distant faces. I can't stand this everlasting oh no did he see that slice on my arm I can't take another eternal 30 minutes for Gym to finally be over.
But worst of all, I'm sick and tired,
Can't take,
Hate that,
Can't stand,
That others are falling through the darkness too.