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My mom came home and was complaining as per usual.. Why the fuck would she take a job in fucking freezing ass Canada if she was going to complain about.
I join her in the kitchen and watch her as she cooks the sliced chicken and ground beef for the tacos we are having for dinner. Yum! "Aww man Al I forgot the tortilla mix!" I bursted out laughing "How could you forget one of the main items you need for tacos" she starts laughing to. As our laughter settles she asks "can you run to the store real quick like and pick some up"... "Sure"
I slip on my vans and change my shirt to a T-shirt with gizmo on it. I head towards my car and see the neighbor guy. He is leaving too.I smile and wave he does the same. I get in my car and drive. Then I fucking remember we are in fucking Canada I don't know where I'm going! "Shit!" I yell
I don't normally curse but shit happens and it feels good so fuck off.
I grab my phone and apple maps this place... After about 15mins of driving around and passing my house and soon to be high school like 3 times I give up and went home... I plop down my keys on the entrance table and head towards the kitchen. "MMMOOOMMM!" I groan"I couldn't find the flippin' store". She looks at me and smiles a pity smile "I'll let you take my car"( her car has a built in GPS) "alright fine" I said a grumpy a possible. "Thanks dear I know how much you don't want to do this but I am grateful anyways"
"yeah yeah I'll be back in 10"
I close the door behind me and see the guy... For fucks sake what is his frackin' name!... Getting out of his car. I again smile and wave but he stares and then asks
" your going out again?"
"Yeah I didn't know... Well I still don't know where the store is so yeah"
" Oh I can show you if you want"
"you really don-"
" I insist"
I smile and then walk towards him. He gets in his truck. Oh I thought he was going to draw me a map. He rolls down the window "get in" I climb into the passengers and he smiles at me I smile back and thank him. He nods and backs out of the drive way. We make small talk as I make mental landmark notes so I know how to get back.
"So what's your name again?"he asks
"Oh I'm Ally but everyone called me Al"
" oh that's cool"
We pasted a bright blue home
"So were you born in Canada?" I ask already knowing the answer
He looks at me like I'm stupid then realizes I was being serious."oh yeah I was born and raised, you?" He say then realizing what he said was stupid. We passed my new high school. I giggle and say
"No I'm from the States...Texas to be exact"
"Oh I knew you weren't from here because your accent is different ... In a good way" we pass a park. I smile " yeah I've gotten that quite a bit since I've been here."
We pull up to the store and then go inside I get what I need and then we head back home. "Thanks for ride" I say as I walk back to my house "no problem" Mitch says as he goes inside.
"Here ya go mom" I say giving her the mix "thanks doll" she replies with a wink.
My mom is a freak.

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