6-Hey Neighbor

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Having to rearrange my schedule for the student teacher position is hell.

Peyton told me I should've just said I couldn't do it this semester but I had already agreed and wasn't about to back out now. 

"You're first class is tomorrow at Beachwood Elementary." My advisor, Laura, lets me know this morning before class. 

I am actually excited about working with kids though. In high school I helped out at the elementary school as a volunteer. 

It was a good distraction from my problems. If I was busy with kids I couldn't focus on everything I lost. 

When I get to professor Grahams class, I take my seat and start to get everything I use for that class out. 

"Hey neighbor." Asa says before sitting beside me. 

He's wearing a dark green sweatshirt and it should be illegal because that color looks too good on him. 

I mean sure I dont think I have seen a color that doesn't look good on him but still. Can't he wear like a shirt with stains on it so I can focus on that, or maybe a puke green shirt. 

Nope he's walking in looking like a million bucks, while I am sitting here praying that the sole of my converse stay put. 

"Nice ring." I say pointing to the jade ring on his thumb. 

He twirls it, "Thanks, it was a gift."

A gift from who? I Want to ask but refrain. 

No body likes a nosey Nelly. 

Professor Graham clears his throat. 

"As you all know I have been hinting about a big project, well today is finally the day we start it." He says and I hear a few groans. 

"It'll be fun and everyone gets to have a partner."

Oh great. 

The thing about this class, I know like no one in here. Well besides Asa but we are more just acquaintances than anything. 

"Because I am your favorite professor, I will be letting you pick your own partners. Keep in mind how much this project is worth, find someone who you can work well with. Who will do their part. I am letting you pick so I don't have to hear you guys whining 'Professor Graham my partner you chose for me isn't pulling their weight.' Now you can't use that excuse, it is your problem to deal with the partner you choose."

Gravy, now I have to find someone, anyone who might actually do the project. 

"Percy want to be my partner?" Asa asks wiggling his eyebrows. 

I look around and realize he might be the only person. I don't even know anyone else names. 

Well besides Jessie but she is already partnered up, plus she doesn't believe in work outside of class. 

"Why not." I say to Asa and he winks before holding out his fist.

I look down at it before looking back up into his hazel eyes. 

"You gonna leave me hanging Percy?"

With a sigh, I fist bump him back. 

Professor Graham goes on to explain the project in depth before having his TA pass out the work packets. 

The project is due at the end of the semester which is still a few months away. 

It's a long one though which makes sense why he's giving us this huge time frame. 

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