36-Laundry Day

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I honestly thought today would be an uneventful day. 

Seriously, the only plans I had were doing laundry, school, and sleeping. 

Seemed like a pretty mundane day and I found myself looking forward to it, thanks to the chaos that has surrounded my life these past few months. 

Ever since I couldn't find my other shoe that one morning. 

It was refreshing to have a chill day and the weather agreed because it was cloudy and rainy outside. 

Peyton had to run out to get some last minute stuff for her lab so I decided I would start the laundry without her. 

As I was sorting out everything and making sure nothing would get tangled in the wash I ran across something that made me pause. 

I remove a pair of mens boxer briefs and I stare at them before throwing them across the floor as a shriek leaves me. 

Asa wears boxers and from what Peyton has told me, Brendan is a full on undies kind of guy. 

Who the hell do those belong to?

I decide I need to dig around in our laundry more, maybe come up with answers. 

In my search I also find a pair of jeans, that definitely belong to a guy, and a shirt with our football logo on it. 

Sitting there I stare at the evidence in front of me before calling Asa who picks up on the second ring. 

"Whats up, Percy?" He asks. 

I need someone to validate my finding. 

"I think Phoenix and Peyton had sex in my dorm." I tell him and then silence follows on the line. 

Asa clears his throat, "Uh, why do you think that, baby?"

I look over at the dark green boxer briefs laying beside Peyton's bed. 

"So I was doing laundry right? And I was separating our clothes when I ran across a pair of mens underwear that definitely didn't belong to you and from what I know aren't Brendans either so I did some more digging and found a pair of mens jeans and a shirt with ya'lls team logo on it. Also the jeans look like they're meant for a giant which means one thing."

Those jeans belong to a certain six seven football player. 

From what I know, Phoenix has never stayed the night here because the only time I don't sleep here is when I'm at Asa's and he's always there. 

I think. 

Now I'm rethinking everything, every night I spent there or every night I spent at the dorm. God, I'm just gaslighting myself at this point. 

"Ok, yeah it's strange but it doesn't mean they fucked." He notes. 

Ugh I hate it when he's the reasonable one, like sir let me live in my delusions for a moment. Entertain them for a bit, that's all I ask for. 

"But it's his clothes in our dorm, Asa. That means he had to have been naked and you're telling me Phoenix was naked in from to Peyton and they didn't have sex?"

Another pause. 

"You could be right," He sighs and I smile. There you go Asa, you're learning. 

"I've told you before, something is a hundred percent going on with them but are you sure they would actually take it that far if she's still in a relationship?"

Stop. Being. Reasonable. 

"I don't know but it just seems strange. Besides it's not like they havent crossed lines already."

Like the kiss I know for certain they shared back at Peyton's birthday party. There was no denying what happened and if they were willing to cross that line, what other lines have they crossed. 

"I mean I have to bring it up to Pey, right?" I ask and Immediately he's telling me its a bad idea. 

I honestly think it's pasted due to be real. Peyton is my best friend and yet she's hiding this whole thing with Phoenix from me. 

Even when I called her out after Brendan showed up to the dorm that morning she played it off the same way she tried with Brendan, claiming she was just studying at the library. 

She was lying then and I'm tired of it. Doesn't she get I won't judge her?

All I want to know is the dirty deets. To give me something so I don't feel crazy for assuming something is going on. 

Luckily I don't have to wait that long because I few minutes later, while I'm still trying to convince Asa I'm right, Peyton walks into the room. 

"I have to go, talk to you later." I say before hanging up. 

"Who was that?" Peyton asks as she sets her bag down on her bed. 

"Asa." I tell her as I stand, "Peyton I have a question."

She unzips her jacket, "What is it?"

I point to the pair of underwear sitting on the floor, "Who's are those? And don't say Brendan or Asa's I know they're not."

She stands there, seemingly frozen for a moment before sighing, "They're Phoenix's."

"I so knew it you two are totally doing the dirty tango."

Her eyes widen, "What? No we are not having sex." She defends and my brows pinch in confusion. 

I guess Asa was right after all. 

"Then why are his underwear and clothes in your wash?" I ask her, curious. 

She plops down on her bed, "A few night ago he and I were studying late a the library and he drove me back here. When we got here it was storming and our clothes got soaked so he took off his clothes and I gave him an old oversized tee shirt and a pair of Asa's sweats. Hope you don't mind that, Phoenix made sure to return them."

I stare at her dumbfounded. 

"So you guys didn't sleep together?" I ask and she shakes her head. 

"The weather was super bad so he stayed the night but he took my bed and I slept in yours. I swear thats all that happened."

I sit down on my own bed, "Is that alls thats going on with Phoenix?" I ask, wanting her to tell me the truth. 

She nods, "We're friends, Seph. Sure I might have a small crush on him and I know feelings are mutual but that doesn't mean we're doing anything. I don't want to hurt Brendan, he means too much to me."

I don't think I'll ever understand the power Brendan has over her. 

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