11-Brendan Gack

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A loud banging sound wakes me up. 

When I try to lift my body up I realize there is a weight on my lower back preventing me from doing so. 

Looking down I realize I am laying on top of Asa.

Yep I am star fished on top of him, his arms are tightly wrapped around me. 

I feel like I have to point out that he is also shirtless, when did he remove his shirt?

The banging startles me again and this time Asa is up too. 

He looks at me and I look at him and we both just sit there confused as shit. 

When the banging happens once more we spring apart and get out of bed. 

"Who the hell?" I ask as we leave the room. 

A door across the hall opens and a boxer clad Phoenix steps out, followed by Peyton in only a tee shirt. 

A shirt I am assuming belongs to Phoenix. 

My jaw drops taking in the sight of them. 

She shakes her head and I go to say something but the freaking banging starts once more. 

Now that we are closer to the stairs I can hear better. More specifically a voice. 

"Peyton I know you're here." the voice says and she visibly stills. 

No freaking way. 

I run down the stairs and find Miles in only track pants opening the door before I can stop him from ruining my morning. 

The door swings open revealing a sweaty Brendan. 

His eyes dart behind me and I turn my head slightly to see Peyton standing there. Asa and Phoenix close behind. 

"Brendan what are you doing here?" She asks and his face hardens, his eyes trailing down to her bare legs. 

Then they dart to the two guys behind me. 

"You cheated on me?" He asks, he sounds hurt and honestly it could be the truth. 

 I have no idea what went on behind that door but I can't find it in myself to feel even slightly bad for him. 

Maybe this will finally be it for their relationship. 

Ok so it's the pessimist in me talking. 

"No it's not what it looks like I swear. It was late and Seph and I were tired and didn't want to walk home so we spent the night in one of the empty rooms."

Oh did we now?

I look over at her and she gives me a pleading look. 

Turning back I give Brendan a fake smile, "Yeah sorry it's on me but real question, what are you doing here?"

How did he know we were here?

"Peyton wasn't answering my calls so I drove up here and went to the dorms. Nikki said you guys would be here."

Freaking Nikki. 

When we saw her as we were leaving the dorms I shouldn't have answered when she asked where we were going. That or I should've invited her. 

He runs a hand through his long greasy black hair. 

I wonder if I sparked a match right here if everything would explode. 

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