Inazuma Matsuki & Remy (Brave Beats 💃 ⚡ 🪩 🤖)

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「私の踊れ! 電気を感じる! ショックビート!」 ("Watashi no odore! Denki o kanjiru! Shock Beat!")

— Matsuki's introduction as Shock Beat

"Dance with me. Feel the electricity. Shock Beat!"

— Matsuki's introduction as Shock Beat (translated)

Name: Inazuma Matsuki

Kanji Translation: 稲妻 舞月

Kana Translation: いなずま まつき

Age: 12-13

Gender: Female ♀️

Alias: Shock Beat (ショックビート)

Dancerian Partner: Remy (レミー, the white drone - upper right 👇)

Personality: (Debut) Shy, lonely, quiet, withdrawn, reserved (Current) optimistic, bubbly, free-spirited, brave, confident, motivated, persistent

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Personality: (Debut) Shy, lonely, quiet, withdrawn, reserved (Current) optimistic, bubbly, free-spirited, brave, confident, motivated, persistent

Hair Color: Brown (normal), platinum blonde (as Shock Beat)

Eye Color: Green (normal), yellow (as Shock Beat)

Occupation: Student (junior high), Brave Beat

Physical Appearance (with Clothes):

Casual (hair and eyes included here)

Casual (hair and eyes included here)

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