Kaneko Natsuo (Xam'd: Lost Memories 🐠 🧚‍♂️)

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JP Name: Kaneko Natsuo

Kanji Translation: 金子 ナツオ

Kana Translation: かねこ ナツオ

Age: 15 (debut), 24 (end of Episode 26)

Gender: Male ♂️

Species: Human (initially, currently), Xam'd (formerly)

Residence: Sentan Island

Occupation: Student, professional artist (epilogue)

Appearance: Natsuo is a light-skinned teenage boy with short chocolate brown hair and ultramarine eyes.

Before becoming a Xam'd, Natsuo wears a school uniform, consisting of a white polo shirt, navy blue vest, grey trousers, blue and white slip-on shoes, and an orange armband with two red stripes.

Before becoming a Xam'd, Natsuo wears a school uniform, consisting of a white polo shirt, navy blue vest, grey trousers, blue and white slip-on shoes, and an orange armband with two red stripes

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After becoming a Xam'd, he swapped his school uniform for a silver grey collared shirt and beige pants. He still wears his blue and white slip-on shoes. Over his right forearm are bandages, which cover his Hiruko.

As a Xam'd, he looks exactly like Akiyuki's Xam'd form but with a few key differences. The orange stripes are now yellow, the eyes are black, and the green protective pads are red.

In the epilogue of Episode 26, Natsuo now wears a light blue shirt over a beige cardigan, dark brown pants, and black sneakers. His arm is also no longer bandaged as he has relinquished his Hiruko and his Xam'd powers over to the Hiruken Emperor.

 His arm is also no longer bandaged as he has relinquished his Hiruko and his Xam'd powers over to the Hiruken Emperor

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In all of his appearances (besides his Xam'd form), Natsuo wears a necklace that comes with a silver heart pendant. After Akiyuki became encased in stone, he added a small heart-shaped red crystal that was flecked off of his cousin's crystalline cage.

 After Akiyuki became encased in stone, he added a small heart-shaped red crystal that was flecked off of his cousin's crystalline cage

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Disclaimer: I don't own these pictures.

Personality: Natsuo is open-minded, compassionate, kind, and generous. Just like his cousin Akiyuki, he is often willing to help those in need. He sometimes mediates the tension between two contentious sides, often finding a way to compromise the argument between the factions.


Super Strength - As a fully transformed Xam'd, Natsuo's natural strength is amplified several times over, enabling him to jump large distances, battle Humanform Weapons, and survive multiple rounds of ammunition. His strength is also amplified while he is partially transformed, but to a much lesser degree.

Shield Arm - He can transform his right arm into a powerful, circular shield that is capable of deflecting a Humanform's spore attacks.

Blade Arm - Whether fully or partially transformed, Natsuo can transform his right arm into a large blade that is sharp enough to cut through Humanform limbs with ease.

Electric Blast - He can channel and release electricity over a specific target area, causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force. These electric blasts often cause Natsuo 's victims to explode, but they can also instantly turn them into stone. He has only used this power on Humanform Weapons.

Elasticity - Natsuo can stretch his right arm great distances and can even transform it into long tendrils that can easily ensnare a Humanform. He does not need to be fully transformed in order to do this.

Spectrum Wings - He can manifest ethereal, insect-like wings that enable him to levitate and soar through the air, even without having to transform.

Mind Reading - He can read the minds of individuals, from humans to Xam'd. With this, he understands their sides of the story and sees them in a different point of view.

Family: Kaneko Erina (mother), Kaneko Minato (father), Takehara Akiyuki (cousin), Takehara Fusa (maternal aunt), Takehara Ryūzō (maternal uncle)

Friends: Nakiami, Nishimura Haru, Teraoka Furuichi (former), Nazuna, Zanbani Crew, Yango, Hiruken Emperor (current), East Autonomy Military

Enemies: Teraoka Furuichi (current), Northern Government

CV: Kimura Ryōhei (Japanese), Chris Patton (English)


- If written in kanji, the name Natsuo can mean "summer" (夏) (natsu) and "boy, man" (男) (o)

+ Natsuo connects with the names Akiyuki and Haru, the former meaning "autumn" (秋) (aki) and "snow" (雪) (yuki) and the latter meaning "spring" (春).

- Natsuo's surname Kaneko means "gold" (金) (kane) and "child" (子) (ko).


- While Akiyuki's Xam'd form resembles a goldfish, Natsuo's resembles a minnow. Both minnows and goldfish fall under the same family: Cyprinidae.

- Natsuo is the first person to ever befriend the Hiruken Emperor.

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