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Karl had never thought this was how he would spend Christmas eve.

Chased down the Nether and, very unfortunately, being chased down the Nether by DreamXD himself. A literal God. The deity didn't have any weapons, but Karl knew that those weren't needed. The God could finish this job himself. Still running faster than he imagined he ever could, Karl sprinted through the fiery dimension of the Dream SMP. The Nether wasn't hotter than in other timelines, yet the heat of the lava seared his skin. It would have been comforting, if it wasn't for him being chased.

'Wow, did I really survive this long against a literal God?' Karl thought as he kept on moving. But it was useless, he knew that. He would get tired sooner or later. The only reason he had energy right now was because of the adrenaline rush. He didn't want to die. But it was inevitable. With a God on your heels, all you can do is surrender.

But Karl wasn't going to give up. Maybe the God would leave him alone, letting him extend his faith for a day. He knew it wasn't very likely, but the thought was comforting. Seeing Sapnap for the last time.. and of course he would look for his other lover, Quackity. Big Q probably didn't want to talk to him, but that was okay. All Karl wanted was to see his familiar face once more. He couldn't allow himself to die without seeing Quackity. He couldn't. He owed it to Quackity to show his face one last time, instead of disappearing from his life forever without a proper goodbye.

Karl kept running and running, until at an unfortunate moment, he got stuck. He got his fucking foot stuck in a crimson forest. Stupid fucking trees with their roots. Did shroomlight trees really become the end of him? Damn, that was even more pathetic than he thought. He pulled his foot out, but failed. The deity that had chased him was getting closer and closer. Well, guess this is it.., Karl thought to himself as he tears started to fall down his face.

Would anyone wonder where he was right now? If they were, the answer would soon appear in chat: Karl Jacobs was slain bij DreamXD. The God approached him and towered over him. "Well well, mister time traveler.. it is time you pay for your sins.." the deity raised his hand to end the life of the poor time traveller, until a familiar figure appeared above the God and slammed his sword into his back. The God shuddered and shot an angry look at Karl's savior. DreamXD let out a cry as ichor dripped over his back. "I'll be back, Jacobs. Your time is still nearing it's end. All of the time, not only in the present.." and then the deity was gone.

Karl stared at his savior in disbelief. The face of the man he loved most in the world stared at him, not full of emotion but not blank either.
"Big Q?"

Karl wanted to hug his fiancé- though the raven-haired male wasn't wearing his ring- but he was stuck. He grunted and kept on pulling his leg, until after 10 very awkward seconds, the schroomlight roots snapped and Karl Jacobs was freed. It had occured to him that Quackity could have left anytime, but still stood right in front of him, inspecting Karl's face. Karl pulled a sad smile and started moving towards his significant other, embracing him. Quackity seemed relieved when he pulled away, which confused the time-traveller. They were engaged, right?
Well, no more hugs then. He didn't want to unsettle Quackity in any way possible.

"Heya Q, sorry for us to have met like this after all this time. Thanks for saving me. Wanna come over to mine? I can treat you for some coffee or whatever you would like to drink." Quackity just sighed and shrugged. Even though it was a pretty clear 'no', Karl grabbed the other's wrist and dragged him all the way through the Nether sqeaking how happy he was to finally see Quackity again.

"So, this is my humble abode!", Karl exclaimed as he showed his newly built quartz house to the agitated man. Quackity frowned and grumbled: "Don't you live in.. I don't even know what it's called. Your weird loser kingdom?" That comment stung as Karl put much work into Kinoko, which was just shrugged off by his fiancé. "Well I did, but I also want some place for myself. Just a place to be me, without anyone around. I pick berries and stuff to eat and being here just makes me feel relaxed." The man holding him company nodded, ending their conversation.

Right that moment, an achievement popped up above Karl. It read 'staying alive', and under it was a timer, set exactly seven days. It started counting down and Karl smiled sadly. "Damn it. That's quite a lot and way too little at the same time. I guess I'll have to enjoy those few days left. Q, can you help me come up with some activities to do?"
After around ten minutes, Karl and Quackity had came up with some activities: picknicking, having a sleepover, saying goodbye to everyone, visiting another country, baking and a few other things. It was a nice little selection of activities, and Karl looked forward to it. He walked over towards Quackity, who had started to take his leave and Karl wrapped his arms around his fiancé in a hug. "Thank you so much, for.. being in my life. It made everything better and I'm so sorry for having to leave so soon.." Karl's eyes had started to produce tears again and before he knew it tears were falling down his face. "I love you, Q. I hope you think of me in a positive way, so that you don't have to spend the next couple of days mourning.."

"Uhm, Karl? Who said I was going to leave? I'm staying here for a few days. With you. I won't let you leave this soon without a proper goodbye.."

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