Part 3

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After Taehyung dropped kookie at school he left for his office as he
Owns his own company now

Taehyung POV
As I entered my company all of my
Employees bowed to me as I got in
The elevator and reached the top floor
That where my office is I was meet with
My secretary as she bowed to me I just
Nodded at her while I walked in my cabin and she was behind me

"G-Good morning Mr Kim"she said as she bowed again
"Morning Ms Jennie"I replied with my cold tone
"Sir here is y-your schedule for t-today"
She said as she put on my desk
"Hmm,anything important for today"
I said with my cold tone again she nodded as she answered
"Y-yes sir,there is a meeting with Mr Choi at 12:00"
Ok,get me my coffee now"I said as I looked at my schedule as I heard her say "yes Mr Kim"and left
She is new here I hired her one week ago
As my old secretary got pregnant and
Can't work again...she is kinda pretty
And until now show good manners
And working good....kookie didn't meet
Her yet he was kinda sad as he liked
My last secretary she used to play with him and talk to him whenever he come
Here they become good friends but since she left last week he didn't come
Here so he didn't see Jennie yet

Speaking of my kookie my baby
He is my life I live for him...he just turned
16 last week(smiling) watching him grow
Healthy and happy makes me happy
I just feel like yesterday when he was only six and used to call me "dada"
He still calls me that not until he turned 11 then he call me "dad or appa"and when he becomes sad or wanna cry
He calls me "dada" that's when I know that there is something bothering him
He used to be so clingy and fluffy
He still is actually.....his mother who
Was my ex died when he was 8 in car accident leaving him to me totally
I still remember how I struggled to
Feed him,bath him and even to do his hair he was so shy and tiny but sometimes gets very very naughty(chuckle)it was really hard for me to control him when his naughty mood is on....anther thing my baby
Is so sensitive emotionally and thoughts were
Cutted when my secretary came in
After knocking of course she put my coffe infront of me i don't really like
Coffee but I need it to go throw my tiring she put it she bowed
"You may go back to your work Ms Jennie"I said as she nodded and left
Closing the door behind her
I got back to my work looking some
Cases that mostly were not that difficult
To do then at some that need more time
To solve and report......

Kookie POV
I got in my school after my dad
Dropped me as I entered I was met by
A hug from my friend yugyeomie
I giggled as I hugged him back
"Okay okay yugyeomie you are squeezing me"I said as I giggled
And he let go of me pouting while saying
"Sorry kookie"
"It's okay now let's go to class we are already late"I said pouting too
"Oh yes let's go btw why are you late"
He asked while we walked to class
"I'll tell you at lunch break"I reply back
As we enter our class and the teacher just entered behind us
We sit next e/o and I put my bag on
My desk as I heard yugyeomie gasping
"Oh my god"he shouted as everyone looked at us and I become shy so I looked down as I pinched yugy on his arm"shhh....low your voice"I wishper
"Oh sorry....when did you get BTS bag"
He wisper shouting
"I'll tell you later yugy just let's focus on class"I wisper back as I got out my
Not book and my pencils that looked like a bunny and the class started

————Time skip———lunch break———

Still kookie POV

Me and yugyeomie were sitting talking
While eating our lunch as I told him what
Happend in morning and how I got that
"Kookie you are so lucky"he said as he sigh and I asked "what do you mean"
"I mean 1 you got a very hot and handsome guy as your dad
2 his best friend is one of the most
Beautiful and famous models and you
Call him(jimin)uncle and see him like everyday
3 you got big hit ceo which BTS work at
As your uncle's husband (suga)which you also call uncle and see him a lot too
4 you got BTS bag and real signature too with out any efforts...ahh poor me
I'm so jealous of you now"
"Oh is that so...I'm sorry if you want
You can take this bag or I can get you a new one but don't be sad pls"I said as I pout feeling sad as yugy feel like this
"Oh no no no kookie hey I was just kidding don't be know I have
A lot of things that have their signature too I was just teasing you"he said as he side hugged me and I giggled
(Yugyeom is rich too his father is a businessman)
We continued our lunch then
The bell ring and we got back to our
Classes again

Finally after a long day my classes are finished and I get to go home to see
My and yugy said good byee to each other as everyone of us got
Inside his car as I got inside uncle driver
Started the engine as I asked him
"Uncle are we going home?!"
"Yes young master"he said smiling at me
"Is dad home uncle"I asked hoping he say yes but
"No young master Mr Kim still at work"
He said looking at me from the mirror infront
I pout sadly as I wanted to see my dad
So I asked "um uncle pls take me to him"
I said politely as I pouted
"Y-young master Mr Kim told me to drive
You straight at home"he said being polite i whine as he chuckled at me
Then I looked at him giving him my puppy eyes and pout"please please uncle I don't wanna stay alone at home"
He sigh looking in my puppy eyes as he nodded and started to drive to my dad company I smiled in victory
After 30 mins of driving we finally reached my dad company it was around
5:30 now I got out the car and ran inside
The company some of people still here working as some other left no one asked
Me anything as they know who I am
I went straight to the elevator as I got inside and waited until I reached the top
Floor where my dad office is I walked
Through the hall ways as I stood infront of his office I knocked slowly as I heard a cold"come in" I opened the door and
Went inside as I saw he was standing up
I ran to him as I excitedly said"dadddd"
And I hugged him tightly he hugged me confused as he said"baby what are you doing here?!"

Taehyung POV
I was talking with one of my employees
At my office discussing something
When I heard a small knock on my door
I said "come in"in my cold tone
And as the door slowly opened I was shocked to see my baby here coz I told the driver to take him home
He ran to me and hugged me screaming "daddd "excited to see me I guess
As I hugged him and I asked what is he doing here?! Confused as he didn't want to come to my office after my last secretary left.....I pat his head softly
As I looked at my employee who is standing staring at my baby I got mad
I don't like when someone stare at my baby so I fake cough but he was so lost
In staring that he didn't pay attention to me I got angry as I called his name
More like shouted which got my baby to flinch a lil I tried to calm down as I don't want to scare my baby
"Mr Mark I guess you should leave
And your case isn't correct do it again
From the beginning and I want to see it
All first thing in morning"I said glare at him who started to talk back to me
"B-but S-sir it's so long I can't get it done all by tomorrow"he said as the case was big but that's his punishment for staring at my baby
"I don't know anything about that
You may leave now"I said as he bowed to me and got out closing the door behind him.......I looked at my baby
He was cutely sitting in my seat
Sawing his legs adorably I bend down to him as I placed a kiss on his forehead
He giggled and looked at me with his big doe eyes that always melt me as I asked
"So baby what are you doing here?!"
As I raise eyebrow
"I wanted t-to S-see you"he said cutely
"Okay that's the fake reason what's the real one huh?!"I asked him as I know he
Didn't want to come here as my secretary left and he gets bored here with out her....
He looked down at his cute small fingers playing with them as he formed a pout
And spoke slowly
"I-I don't w-want t-to stay a-alone at
Home until y-you g-got back"
I chuckled at his cuteness as I peck his cheek making stand up as I sit in my seat pulling him to sit on my lap I brushed his soft silky brown hair
"Okay baby....I'll just finish this so
We can go home together hmm"
He nodded as he looked at me and
I asked him"so how was your day today"
"It was good and yugyeomie liked my
New bag so much"he said smiling
"Oh really?!" I asked him as he nodded
"A-and I got an A+ on last week exam
And t-the t-teacher said i top my class again"
"Oh my baby bunny so brilliant right"
I said as I tickled him as he giggled
And I smiled hearing his honey giggles
"Hahaha~d-dad n-no S-stop~ahhhh"
"Ok ok....fine I stopped"I said as he sit back straight on my lap and kissed my cheek I smiled as I rubbed his back
"Okay let me finish this so we can go home" I said as he nodded getting out his phone and moving to the couch to
Play with it as i start to finish my work fast so we can go home

After a while I felt him getting up from couch ad he walked over to me opening
My arms as he sit on my lap hiding his
Face in my neck as he mumbled cutely
"d-dada....sweepy" he said as I coo at
Him kissing the side of his head and looking
At my phone"oh its 6:45 already"
"Okay baby I think we can go home"
As I said I got no replay I looked down
As I found a bunny falling asleep in my neck I chuckled as I close my laptop
Taking my coat that was on my chair as I coverd my baby carrying him bridal style and walking towards the exit

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