Part 31

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The three of them got out of jimin's car as they reached to the Cemeteries a lot of people were
There ,all of them in black clothes.
Some are crying some standing silently
And others whispering between themselves.

Jimin held jungkook's hand in his while
His other hand was rubbing Taehyung's back
Taehyung eyes searched for one person only
He just wanted to see that person after so so long and he finally saw her, his mother
Between Other women crying and mourning
There were two women holding her arms
Preventing her from falling
As she watching her husband tomb that was about to be buried

Taehyung walked to her he walked fast ignoring everything else around him
He placed his hand on her shoulder
Making her to look at him
She wailed pulling the mentioned male
Into her embrace and cried more

Taehyung hugged her too and finally
let his tears fall.
Y-Your Appa is no m-more
Your A-Appa is dead Taehyung .
They broke away after a while
And stood their until the rituals were over and everyone started to leave the cemetery .
Jungkook was going to hug a crying Taehyung
But someone else bet him to it
Oh god Taehyung I'm so sorry.
Jennie hugged him making Taehyung
Shocked and Mrs Kim to look at them
Jennie knew and she decided to go
to support Taehyung.
The moment she saw him standing there
she ran to him and hugged him
jungkook just stood there unable to blink
Jennie,w-what are you doing here?!
Tae asked parting away from her
I came as soon as I heard are you okay?!
Y-yeah I'm fine !
Mrs Kim was staring at them from
beside Taehyung

Taehyung cleared his throat and
introduced her
Mom she is my PA Jennie!
I'm so sorry for your loss Mrs Kim
She bowed to her giving her a weak smile
Thank you !
Taehyung mother said as they continue
To walk Jimin placed his arm around
Jungkook's waist as they walked behind the trio .

They were in the house now only the close relatives and their family lawyer were with them.
Taehyung was hella tired from all of that
He barely could stand now he was exhausted both mentally and physically .
Jennie was still there too she refused to leave
And insisted to stay by taehyung's side

Jungkook on the other hand didn't think much of it ,actually he didn't know what to think
and how should he feel
Yes he was sad but not that much
He never really knew his grandfather and the time he saw him the man wanted him gone
So yeah he kinda isn't affected but still the thought of someone gone for good isn't easy
And he wanted to comfort his dad because he knows it must be uneasy for his father even tho
Taehyung didn't had a relationship with the man but everything was preventing him from
Even hugging the Man so he had to wait.
Jimin and jungkook were stuck together all the time and a bit away from Taehyung
They don't wanna make unnecessary drama with Taehyung mother at least not now
But it doesn't always work like that.

What both of them doing here?!
I don't want them in my house
Get out !!!
She said glaring at Jimin
Who looked bored at her
They are with me Mother if they left
I'll leave too,Do you want that in front of everyone right now ?!
She was raged and glared at Taehyung
Fine he can stay but that son of a basterd ,Can't stay in my house .
She said pointing at jungkook
Tae warned her
What I'm not wrong!! He was the reason your father died without seeing you,
He was the reason you left us
And he isn't even your own blood !!!
When are you going to wake up taehyung ,Huh ?!!
You are right he isn't my real son
But at least he was more of a family to me than you ever been .
What ?!
She gasped her eyes widened
So did everyone else.
I knew it,I was right !
Taehyung cursed himself he wanted to bang his head on a wall ,He didn't want to give her that satisfaction But he couldn't control himself either,It just slipped and now she knows that she was right and jungkook wasn't really Taehyung's Son ,Jungkook stood there tears slipping from his doe eyes he felt every one in the room staring at him and that made him Scared,nervous and maybe doesn't belong.
You left us and didn't talk with us
Didn't even visit your sick father
Who just wanted to see you for one last time,All of that because of what?!
Because of that sick basterd ??
That son of a bitch who doesn't have a family ,Who the woman who birthed him Was a sult and a gold digger.
Mrs Kim please calm -
Jennie tried to interfere and stop the woman
From embarrassing her son and the rest of the family in front of the few people in the room
But the woman raised her hand stopping her.

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