Part 32

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Why are you saying that?!
Mark said not liking what he just heard
Because I don't think he loves you,
I think it's just an attraction.
Or the boy is too polite to reject you!
Taeyong said flooding his training clothes.
I don't believe you!why are you
like this?!
Mark said looking at him
Okay let's see,did he confess to you?!
Taeyong asked a bit annoyed
Yeah he did!!!
Mark answered right away.
Did he say he loves you ??
Taeyong said emphasizing the word loves
But Mark didn't answer he stood there
See he didn't ,am I right?!
He doesn't have too,and plus
we know Jungkook he is shy !!
Mark said hating this conversation
Yeah he is!
Taeyong chuckled rolling his eyes
What are you trying to say Taeyong?!
That jungkook is playing with my feelings if that what you are trying to say then let me tell you He isn't that type
of a person and you know that well!
Mark said pissed
Yeah I know I didn't say that.
Then what are you trying to say say
it clearly ?!
Mark said glaring at him
Nothing I'm just trying to look out
for you that's it!!
Taeyong said putting his shirt in
His bag and stood up
Then don't if you will make me confused okay I trust my boyfriend .
Yeah fine,not gonna open my mouth.

I'm already having enough with Mai
Keep popping here and there.
He said and got up and left
Taeyong stayed there staring at the wall
Fuck it !!
He looked at Mark back and rubbed
his own face

Hey beautiful !
Mark said walking up to the boy.
Hyung hi .
Mark kissed him on his cheek making Jungkook smile shyly
Did you talk to your dad,your mood looks Good today?!
Mark asked holding kook's hand
Uh ,No we still don't talk!
Jungkook mumbled
Oh so what's making you happy?!
Mark raised his eyebrow playfully
Oh nothing don't worry.
Jungkook laughed
Okay because I was thinking ?
What is it hyung?!
I want to take you on a date,
It's been a while since we got alone
What do you think ?!
Mark asked looking at him
Oh okay when we are going ??
Jungkook smiled agreeing
I'll pick you up Saturday evening at 6:00
Is it good with you?!
Yeah Okay great I'll be ready .
Perfect now that's settled,
Do you wanna come watch your boyfriend Practicing?!
Mark said placing a hand on
jungkook Waist lightly
I would love to!
Jungkook smiled nodding
Let's go then come !
Mark held kook hand in his and both walked to the field together

How was your English test hyung?!
It was good baby not to bad !
Jungkook asked while walking
That's nice I hope you get full marks.
Thanks,I heard your having exams
next weeks?!
Mark asked remembering what he heard
from the students
Yeah it's important and I need to start receiving soon.

It's been a 2 week Taehyung and jungkook
Still not talking .
Jungkook have been staying either at Yugyeom
Or at jimin's house but even Jimin he couldn't
Go to him much either
He kinda figured that Jimin and yoongi
Seems to be fighting and he didn't wanna be
More burden to them he needs to take care of his own problems he isn't a kid anymore
Everyone has their problems
They aren't gonna always be there for him .

He managed the first week but the second week he went back to the house
And the atmosphere between him and Tae
Isn't good You could say tense.
That had made Jungkook depressed
You see he thought about over and over
And he knows that he made a big mistake and
Should apologize but every time he tried to
In the past weeks he couldn't
Well Tae went back to work so he isn't home when jungkook is and even if he was Jennie who had been coming regularly
Will be around Taehyung
and jungkook Can't talk to him alone .

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