Meeting Rainbow

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I was out scouting a base that had some intel on some high value targets I've been scouting for about three months now, before I infiltrate a place if its a base of large size I'll scout it out and find it's weak spot. I was sitting on one of my scouting spots had every information I needed to proceed, I do operations alone mainly because I only need to worry about myself. I got back to my little base camp and began to radio my branch leader Rorke, he actually helped me with recovering with the brainwashing.

Y/N: Rorke this is Ram come in.

Rorke: Go ahead Ram.

Y/N: I'm going to infiltrate tomorrow at 1600 hours and with the information I provided should be a quick in and out.

As I was finishing up I spot a chopper with five people coming out and heading towards the base.

Rorke: Ok Ram you've got the green light...

Y/N: We have a problem I spot a problem five unknowns are heading to the base and looks like they're going to infiltrate it. Should I intercepted them?

Rorke: Hang low and observe if they do attack then secretly give them cover.

Y/n: Good copy Ram out.

With that I watched as this unknown team heads to the base, they looked trained but from different countries. I looked at them can identify what country two from america, one from poland, one from russia and lastly one from Australia. Closer inspection I recognize one of the Americans he had a bigger beard but I'd recognize my brother from anywhere.

Craig POV

We waited till Eliza give us the go ahead.

Eliza: Alright we're good to go but keep an eye out Six said we might have a friendly in the area.

Alexzander: How do we know what they'll look like?

Eliza: Six said we'll know when we see him.

Zofia: Well lets hope he doesn't turn on us.

Craig: I'm sure he won't for some reason I get the feeling like I've known him.

Max: Mates enough chatter we should get going.

Eliza: Ok we're good to go remember me and Alex will go left side, zofia and max will go right and Craig will go in the back.

All: Copy

As I went to the back i had a weird feeling that I was being watched from behind, I turned around....

Mr.Author: Every now and then...

Craig: Not a good time Mr.Author.

Mr.Author: Ok I'm sorry lets continue.

As I said I looked behind me but I saw nothing so cleared my head and enter the building I sneaked around and dropped every hostile I seen. Its been about five minutes Eliza got the information we needed as I was heading out till I heard some footsteps running at me I look and I see a suicide bomber but he was too close so I accepted it, but before he detonated someone tackled me with the only injury was some metal going into one of my legs. I look up thinking one of my teammates tackled me but I see a man with a mask that had a skull painted on it. I try to stand but fail till the stranger offers a hand, weird it feels similar.


Y/N: You alright?

Craig: Yeah I'm good but quick question do i know you?

Y/N: Hmm I don't think so.

Craig: Weird you seem familiar to me.

Y/N: Probably have one of those voices or feelings.

Craig: Yeah maybe any who I don't think i can make it back to the extraction zone myself can you help?

Y/N: Sure thing.

As we were walking to the extraction even if I didn't see him do it I could feel him starring at me trying to figure out who I was. We got near the extraction zone a few of his colleagues turned towards us one came over to help he looked Russian.

Alexzander: Thank you my friend it was a bad idea to send Blackbeard by himself luckily you helped.

Y/N: No problem I wasn't expecting anyone coming till tomorrow and it being my teammates not Rainbow.

Eliza: Well we appreciate it do you need a ride back to your base.

Y/N: Nah I'll inform base after the strike for extraction, which reminds me don't take off when yours gets here don't want to hurt my new friends.

Zofia: Ok got it "Jáger do you copy?"

Jáger: "Hear you loud and clear, ready for extraction?"

Zofia: "Yes but when you get here don't take off immediately or we'll be in a line of fire."

Jáger: "Good copy"

Harry: "Why not a immediate extraction?"

Zofia: "The Friendly said that his team are going to send in an airstirke."

Harry: "Ok do they need help getting back to their base?"

Zofia: "Nope he said he has it under control."

Harry: "Copy Harry out."

As they were finish talking I heard a chopper coming in with Rainbow logo on the side, so I went to were I had a visual of the base and called in a strike. A few minutes later I hear planes coming near and sending missiles at the base turning it into rubble, once that was done I went back to Rainbow and told them they were good to take off. Hour later my team came and picked me up and headed off to base.

Time skip by chibi Y/N playing with Riley.

Rorke POV

I was talking with Price from modern warfare, Troy Baker from advanced warfare, Hudson from black ops and Elias my best friend who is from ghost as well.

Price: So who are we sending off to Rainbow to get tested and recruited.

Hudson: Well for me I think Bulldozer could benefit from it.

Price: That's one anyone else?

Troy: I cant think of anyone to send.

Price: I'm thinking of sending two over Alex and D Day so that's three.

Hudson: I think I'll send Harper over he may just not even try but he's better than Prophet.

Price: Right that's four Rorke Elias you got anyone in mind?

Elias: I got nothing.

Rorke: What about Ram sure he scouts but he works well with a team.

Price: Alright that makes five we'll tell them they'll leave tomorrow morning.

Me and Elias went to the Ghost workshop knowing Y/N he'll be working on his vehicle's with Riley since David and Logan are out patrolling.

Time skip by Chibi Ghost wrestling with Soap.

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