End of a Barrel

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Craig POV

I was in the cafeteria eating dinner and talking to a few people at the table.

Oliver: you know Shuhrat for you being confident in the field in never new you'd be so nervous asking out Siu.

Shuhrat: Well she's pretty so obvious it would be hard for me to ask her out.

Siu: But I have been waiting for you to do so and I'm glad you did.

Jordan: Any news on the rescue mission  Eliza?

Eliza: Sadly no it's been a while surely we should've heard something by now.

Craig: I hope they got to Meghan on time who knows what happened to her.

Oliver: Is that because she's your partner or for something else.

Craig: Well yes because she's my partner but also for my brother Y/N.

Just then I see Osa and Meghan coming through the door but something seemed off one Meghan was clinging to Osa and two.


Osa: He died during the operation he told me to take his Goliath and save Meghan so I did.

Meghan: And she is so brave in saving me.

Osa: Now if you excuse us we are tired.

With that they left out if the cafeteria, something doesn't seem right and I'm going to get to the bottom of this, I seen Grace walking past and thought of something.

Craig: Hey Grace can I get your help on something?

Grace: Sure what is it Craig?

Craig: Just follow me.

With that me and Grace left to Elena knowing she can help to. Once we get there seen her and Gilles working on his shield more.

Elena: And there you go Gilles.

Gilles: Thanks Elena anything you need just give me Ring.

Gilles walked out and it took a minute or two for Elena to realize me and Grace, never knew they had a thing for each other.

Elena: Oh ah Grace Craig what brings you two here?

Grace: I'm here because Craig brought me here.

Craig: I'm here for a favor.

Elena: OK what's the favor?

Craig: You heard about the recovery mission with Y/N right?

Elena: Yes I think it's very suspicious honestly.

Craig: Exactly I wonder if there's anything on Y/N's Goliath that can help with what went on with that mission?

Elena: Well the blueprints for his Goliath disappeared all of a sudden and I can't find them anywhere.

Grace: So can't we get some new ones?

Craig: Actually even if we did we probably don't know what Osa has done to it.

Elena: Hmm I wonder if his buddies can help with this situation?

Harry: See what you guys can find I knew it was shady from the start

The three of us look back at Harry who we didn't know was listening.

Craig: But why Harry?

Harry: Because I want a team who can be trusted not one who cant, I've sent COD a text saying you three are on your way to their base you should meet a man named Rorke there.

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