Coming Together

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I was woken up to my phone going off, I looked and it was Harry.

Y/N: Hello Harry.

Harry: Morning Y/N listen after you get done with breakfast I want you and Meghan to meet me in my office and tell Craig that you'll meet him in the cafeteria where everything will be at.

Y/N: Good copy Harry I'll see you in about 2 hours.

Harry: Thank you Y/N see you then.

After I got off the phone I turn and look at the beauty sleeping next to me, I didn't want to wake her up but we still have a job to do.

Y/N: wake up sweetheart.

I say she groans awake but she wakes up and smiles.

Meghan: Morning hun

Y/N: Morning how'd you sleep?

Meghan: Better now I'm with you again.

She nuzzle into my chest.

Y/N: Alright let's get up, get breakfast, get dressed and get going to Harry's office.

Meghan: Yes Sir.

As we get up Meghan walks over to the dresser to get some pants since she was only in her panties and one of my shirts. She bent over so her butt was sticking out and she knew what she was doing because she gave it a little wiggle. Being the man I am went behind her and gave her a little smack.

Meghan: Ooooo keep that up I might have to teach you a lesson😉.

Y/N: Oh I'm going to the one teaching you a lesson for being a brat.

Meghan: Oh and how can you?

She stand against me chest to chest arms folded, but I know her exact weakness since I've had to done it before.

Y/N: Like this.

Just by grabbing her pussy she instantly  drops at my dominance.

Meghan: You bastard I thought you forgot about that.

Y/N: Nope but I am starting to get my memories back they hurt though because they're coming back in large portions.

Meghan hugs me closely and rubs my back.

Meghan: What are you remembering?

Y/N: I'm remembering when I was captured, Tortured and rescued.

Meghan: I'm sorry we couldn't get you we did think you were dead though.

Y/N: It's ok Meg I'm here now and well alive.

After we got dressed we started to head down to the cafeteria and get some food. Meghan got an omelet and I gotten some French toast with eggs hashbrowns and bacon.

Y/N: So Meghan I has a question?

Meghan: OK shoot.

Y/N: Who is in a relationship at Rainbow?

Meghan: Oh ghillie!

Just then a man in a white ghillie suit with a skull and claws pops around the corner.

Ghillie: Yes you rang?

Y/n: Just wondering who's in a relationship here at Rainbow?

Ghillie: Ah ok we'll we have Frost and Kapkan, Fuze and Ying, Ash and Themite, Pulse and Hibana, Caviera and Doc, Mira and Montagne, Sledge and Thorn and Tachanka and Finka.

Y/N: Wow never knew so many, why do you seem so familiar?

Ghillie: Because im actually Mr.Author, but got tired of fixing walls.

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