Forgive Me

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Craig POV

I was in my dorm when Eliza came over the intercom to have everyone meet in the cafeteria, I got up from my couch grabbed my crutches and headed to the cafeteria.

Once i got there I sat over by Meghan, Taina, Seamus and Maxim.

Taina: Yeah Ram was good but...

Craig: What you guys talking about?

Taina: Guessing who gets hired on to Rainbow, my bet is on that Alex guy.

Seamus: Me and Maxim think it's Bulldozer.

Meghan: I keep telling them it's Ram.

Taina: Who do you think?

Craig: I'm not sure I would say...

Harry: Attention everyone as many of you know we are getting a new operator today, I'd like you all to meet Ram.

I seen Seamus, Maxim and Taina give Meghan five buck to her.

Sebastian: Hey there's only one Buck here, what the Canadian Maple is with that Mr.Author?

Mr.Author: *Laughing Hysterically on the Ground* Just for you to say something like that.

Mr.Author: *Gets back up* I'm sorry to anyone who's Canadian, but my Bacon Gunpowder loving ass had to.

Tina: *Sets down welcome mat*

Mr.Author: Hungry all of sudden.

Mr.Author walks out the door and steps on the Welcome mat.

Mr.Author: Fu...

Anyways my attention went back to Harry and Ram who I wonder if he'll reveal his name.

Ram: How's it going guys as Harry said my field name is Ram...

Oliver: Are you going to reveal your real name!?

As I looked back to Ram he was looking directly at me, his eyes looked like he had to sooner or later.

Ram: As a matter of fact I will but that is if Craig and Meghan don't shoot me after.

Meghan: What does he mean by that?

I was going to respond until I seen him take his hat off then the mask and putting his hat back on and my eyes widen.

Y/N: The names Y/N Jenson I'm Craig's younger brother.

I don't know what I was feeling it was all just bundled up but mostly I was shocked to see my brother alive.


After I reveal myself I see Craig not knowing what to do or say, so I walk over too him and hugged him knowing I had to keep this secret for so long. It was about a minute or two till we separated once we did I felt a punch in the face on the left side, I look up and I see Meghan with a furious look.

Meghan: The fuck we thought you were dead all this time and now you reveal yourself fucking pathetic!

Y/N: Meghan let me exp...

Meghan: I don't need your explanation you could've told us you were still alive.

Craig: Let him explain Meg I know I should be mad as well but knowing my brother he always have a reason.

Meghan: Go ahead then but don't expect sympathy.

Y/N: I was going to say I wasn't able to for awhile because one I was a prisoner for nearly two years, two I had a lot of mental issues and Ghosts helped me with that because one had the same problem and finally I didn't tell you because I felt like you guys would hate me and be disappointed like you do now.

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