Cuddles- Sam Thomas

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Y/n and Sam left school, tired from the day. Y/n groaned, walking into the Watson-Brewer house.

" Hey Sam, Hey Y/n." Kristy smiles at the two. " Hey kristy." Y/n mumbles.

" What's wrong with her?" Kristy asks her brother. " We have homework." Y/n says.

They got up to Sam's room and Y/n grabs out her books, starting on her Biology homework.

Sam had finished his before Y/n's, so he sat there, bored out of his mind.

" Come on Y/n." Sam whined. " Can you be done with your homework? I wanna cuddle."

" Give me a few minutes Sam I have to finish this real quick and then we can cuddle." Y/n explains.

A knock goes through the door and in walks Watson. " Oh hey Y/n! Didn't know you were here. Well dinner is ready, so if you want some Chinese come on down." Watson says.

Y/n smiles and sets down her pencil. " Thanks Watson." Y/n says.

Sam and Y/n head downstairs. Sam latches his hand in Y/n and whispers in her ear, " We are gonna cuddle later, alright?"

Y/n giggles and nods, kissing Sam's cheek. Sam blushes at the action.

Y/n and Sam sat beside each other at the dinner table, and ate Chinese together.

" So y/n how is school?" Elizabeth asked.

" It's going really well." Y/n says. Elizabeth nods and continues to each the Chinese.

After dinner Y/n went back up to Sam's room and  
changed into a pair of sweatpants and hoodie of Sam's before she went  his desk to finish his homework.

Sam grabbed her pencil before she even placed it on the paper.

" Hey give it back. I have to finish my homework."
y/n whined. Sam shook his head.

" No. I said we will cuddle after dinner and besides it's the weekend. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully.

" Fine I'll finish it tomorrow." Y/n says. Sam smiles and grabs y/n by her waist, throwing her onto the bed.

" Cuddle now." Sam says. " Wait." Y/n says.

" What now?" Sam groans. " Can we watch a movie!"
Y/n asked.

Sam nods. Y/n squealed running over to the DVD. "Ok we have "Godzilla, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Spider-" Y/n gasped.

" Omg can we please watch Tinker bell!" Y/n squealed.

Sam laughed at his childish girlfriend. " Sure." Sam smiles.

Y/n squeals, putting in the movie. She plopped down beside Sam, and pressed play on the movie.

Not even halfway through the movie, y/n fell asleep in Sam's arms.

Sam looked down at his girlfriend and smiled, slowly kissing her forehead.

Y/n smiled, cuddling further into his chest.

Sam turned off the light and fell asleep beside y/n.

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