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"FINALLY WE GET A break from all those kids." Y/n huffed. "Yeah I love babysitting but we really needed a break." Claudia says. " Well ladies, what should we do tonight?" Kristy questions.

"Oh what if we watch some movies?" Stacy suggests. " I was thinking maybe we could watch Enola Holmes with Louis Partridge in it. He is so cute." Stacy gawks. " I know." Y/n agrees.

Kristy rolled her eyes. " Can we NOT talk about boys?" Kristy whined. " Come on Kristy just this once can we talk about boys?" Mary Anne says.

Kristy rolls her eyes again. " Fine." She groans. Claudia squeals . "So anyone have anybody special right now?"  Claudia asks. All of the girls blush. Even Kristy?!

Stacey gasp and turns to Kristy. " Is THE Kristy Thomas blushing?" Stacey says. " What no of course not." Kristy says. " Kristy who is the boy?" Claudia beckons for Kristy to tell.

" The boy in math class that sits beside me." Kristy mumbles. " I KNEW IT!" Y/n yelled. " Oh yeah. Well who's the boy you are in love with?" Kristy says.

" I'm not in love." Y/n mumbles. " I know you are
Y/n tell us who it is." Claudia says. " Kristy's brother." Y/n mumbled. " Who?" Claudia says.

" Kristy's brother!" Y/n says louder. " EWW YOU LIKE CHARLIE?!" Kristy yells. " WHAT?! NO I LIKE SAM I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM!" Y/n blurts out.

Y/n covers her mouth. Every thing was silent. " You know y/n?" Kristy begins. "I've always shipped you guys together." Y/n smiles and blushes.

They look back to the movie and pretend nothing had happened. The phone rang a few minutes later. Claudia groans and pauses the TV. " Hello Babysitters Club. This is Claudia speaking." Claudia says.

(Claudia's on her own phone)

Claudia put the phone on speaker. The girls heard heavy breathing from the other side of the phone. " Hello Babysitters club." The voice spoke. Kristy took the phone. " Uhm who is this?" She asked.

" I know where all of you live." The voice said. " Haha very funny Sam I know this is you." Kristy laughed. "I'm in your house Claudia." The voice said.

The group froze up. Footsteps were heard walking through the halls. Claudia's parents were out of town somewhere. Janine was at a friends and Claudia's grandma passed away.

The girls breathing soon turned heavy. Y/n grabbed the phone and hung up. From the doorway everyone could see footsteps stop in front of the door. The doorknob slowly turned and in popped in Sam and his friends.

The girls screamed covering their face. Y/n looked up to see Sam and his friends laughing their butts off. Y/n stood up and whacked Sam in the chest.

What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You." Y/n spoke in between hits. She kept hitting him and Sam grabbed her wrists to stop from hitting him. " Jeez y/n it was just a prank." Sam said, before walking out the door.

"You're gonna get it tomorrow." Y/n muttered under her breath.

Time Skip
Y/n walked the streets with a bucket of cold water, heading for Kristy's house. Y/n walked up the front steps to the house and knocked on the door. Elizabeth opened the door. " Hey Y/n- what are you doing with a bucket of water? " Elizabeth raised her eyebrow.

" Well your son Sam decided it was a fun idea to play a prank on me and my friends last night so I'm getting revenge." Y/n smiled. " He said he was at a friends last night." Elizabeth said.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders. " Well I'll be downstairs if you need me. Sam is still asleep." Elizabeth explained, stepping aside. Y/n nodded and walked up the stairs to Sam's room.

She slowly opened the door to see Sam sleeping. Y/n grabbed the bucket of water, and walked to Sam's bed. She smiled evilly before dumping the freezing cold water on Sam.

Sam woke with a gasp to see Y/n towering over him. She was laughing loudly. " You think that's funny
Y/n?" Sam asked. Y/n stopped laughing and she knew she messed up. Sam leaned forward and grabbed Y/n and threw her over his shoulder.

She hit his back. " Put me down Thomas!" Y/n yelled. Sam ignored her and eventually he threw her in the pool. She gasps. " Sam!" Y/n yelled. " Why'd you throw me in your pool?!"

" That's what you get for pouring cold water on my this morning." Sam said. " You pranked me first."
Y/n complained. Sam rolled his eyes playfully before putting his hand out.

" Here take my hand." Y/n had other plans and pulled Sam in with her.  She laughed at him when he resurfaced. " Haha very funny." Sam said. He dunked her in the water and they kept playing around.

They eventually stopped laughing and caught their breath. Y/n and Sam got out of the pool and Sam brought her to his room. He gave her a towel and some clothes to wear.

She dried off her y/h/c hair and walked back in the clothes Sam gave her. Y/n couldn't help but admire how cute Sam looked with wet hair. " Take a picture it'll last longer." Sam teased. Y/n scoffed playfully.

" As if." She said. " I know you like me Y/n." Sam said. " Oh yeah? Who said so?" Y/n said. " I heard you yell that you were in love with me while we were in Claudia's house." Sam said.

Y/n opened her mouth to say something, but got cut off with Sam's lips on hers. She froze up but soon melted into the kiss. Sam brought his hands to her cheek and Y/n brought her hand to Sam's cheek.

Y/n soon leaned back." Woah." She breathed out. " Yeah wow." Sam said. Sam leaned over and kissed Y/n's cheek. " So, wanna be my girlfriend?" Sam asked. Y/n leaned over and kissed him. " Does that answer your question?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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