Chapter 1: That Fateful Night

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Along a dark alley stood a child with long black hair. His eyes where as blue as the ocean. He wore an enormous brown jacket, too obviously for the size of a well-grown man.

A matured tone came out from the dark. "Kid, "

A tall man wearing a black top hat slowly walks up to the kid. He was gigantic, easily dwarfing the kid who stood idly in front of him.

"Hand it over nicely kid. "

But the kid didn't respond.

"Really? " The tall man sighed. "I know that you're a kid, and I really hate to hurt kids and ladies. " He sounded genuine for a second. Then his expression turned serious as his voice deepens, "But you took something important from his majesty. "

The kid lashed out immediately.

"I hate you! " he screamed, as he dashed towards the man with a small dagger in his right hand. His blue eyes were burning with rage.

Such anger at such a young age

The man chuckled. He swiftly grab the kid's right hand. With a little twist, he disarmed the kid effortlessly. The kid struggled violently, rage written all over he's face.

"Woah, woah there mister big guy. Slow down will' ya? He's just a kid. " The voice was soft, yet somehow it felt like there was danger looming behind that sinister tone. 

The big man chuckled again. "I know that. "

"Okay big guy, you've already won the fight. You can let him go now. "

The big tall man nodded. He released the kid free, and slowly stepped back.

The man approached the kid casually. The alley was dark, but the man had a moderately pale white skin which shone rather gracefully under the moonlight. He wore a pair of black gloves that easily contrast the pale color of his wrist. He wore a black jacket over his white suit. He had a long black jean and a white tie, along with a white derby hat.

He was like an angel of death shining beautifully under the moonlight.

The slender white figure grinned as he squatted down to the height of the kid. "Now now, no one likes a rebellious little child, no? "

"What do you want? " The kid sneered.

"Easy there little fella! I'm just a gentleman who wants each of us here to get along! " The white hatted man smiled as he patted the kid's head.

The kid slapped away the gloved hand. 

What an interesting little fella.

"What's a little kid doing alone at this hour? Shouldn't you be back home right now? "

 The kid glared at the smiling pale-looking man. "What do you even know about me? "

The white hatted man only grinned. It sure wasn't hard to tell that the kid was starving for days and had nowhere to go.

"How 'bout this, little fella. You give the big guy what he wants, then I'll take you in. Sounds good, no? "

Anger was seen in the kid's eyes as he furiously dashed towards the big man behind, but was stopped immediately by the man in white jacket. 

"He destroyed my family! He took everything from me! " 

The kid struggled and struggled until he was finally tired and all worn out. He knew it was useless anyway, and that realization made him break into tears as the rain continued to pour heavily. Eventually, he passed out.

The white hatted man picked up the kid and slumped him over his right shoulder.

"Wasn't expecting you to go after kids Mr Hugo, what exactly are you looking for? " 

"He took one of his majesty's precious possession. I just want to return it back to where it belongs, " He glanced around before uttering, "before he suspects something. " 

They sighed unanimously. It sure looked like a long day for the both of them. 

The man in white jacket reached in the kids coat and took out a shining diamond ring with the shape of a rose. It looked like it was crafted meticulously by the hands of an experienced and skilled craftsman. 

"Let me guess, you let him in the mansion? "

The big man nodded. "I thought he would just escape with a few loafs of breads and other food. Didn't expect the kid to actually sneaked into the master bedroom and got his hands on the jewelries. What I don't understand is why he only took this rose-shaped diamond ring. " He pointed at the ring while taking a quick glance at the kid. Stroking his mustache as he spoken out his thought.  "What an interesting little fella. "

The white hatted gentleman slapped him on the right arm. "You know that's my line, don't you? "

The huge man only chuckled in respond, as he puts out his palm and receives the ring from the white hatted gentleman. 

The white hatted man turned around and waved casually. "See' ya big guy."

"Likewise. " 

"Hey, "

"Yeah? "

"Don't go dying on me, k? "

"Same goes for you white derby. " 

Both man shared a smile before going their separate ways, one had the a rose-shaped ring in his hand, the other had a kid on his right shoulder.

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