"Oh my..... it has been forever...."(SL)

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Vold Steve POV

I had a recently convince rainbow Steve or orange to come over to my side hilarious on how Saber reacted
I wanted to see if I could go to the World beyond
Oh how I loved the unless white avoid...
I get out of my throne and go over to one of the darkness creatures and it looks at me probably
"Tell rainbow that I will be back later" I say looking at the Abomination
It nods and fade into the floor, I will never get used to that
I walk out of the volcano looking at the grassy area around it and then teleporting away with the thunder of lightning

I let myself fall onto the void of white grass that soft to the touch and lay there for a few,
Feeling at some kind of peace
I sit up on the grass, as I feel my phantom like blue wings come from the hiding spot
They have bits of black on them and they look like they've been worn to the bone
' well they're phantom wings anyways' I think to myself
I stand up and start walking in a direction not really looking for anything
I walk and walk
For what feels like hours
'Why did I come here to walk for? I should just leave' I think, feeling dumb for wasting my time
I was about to teleport when I heard a voice singing?
" A red Steve, going across the globe, going nowhere with nothing with the friends he lost and gain.." the Voice sing
I froze when I heard the voice
And subconsciously I started walking towards the voice there was a few void like trees in the way I stood behind one and peaked out
It's a spirit of a red Steve
The spirit was a faded version of a Steve Steve was sitting on a white log with a white book with a white quail with black ink
He kept going...
"To the end, I said with the blue friend~ nothing the world will get in our way we will stay together and find the right way..."
He kept singing..... my grip on the tree tighten a little bit.....
I knew who this was....
" The Red Steve held his head up with some tape and glue so he won't lose it~
Holding a jar of secrets and feelings away so no one could see
Feeling the cracks with things he won't need when he has finally left the dream~"
Void wanted to run up to that Steve

Hold him
Hug him
Be with them
He felt his legs tremble beneath him almost collapsing
" The red Steve wants out to do one thing go out and collect and bring it back
But what he brought back was more than that and he never returned home the same way"
The Steve kept singing his hair flowing in the light wind as he continues to jot down what he's writing
I sit by the tree as my legs give out from under me
" then he was greeted with bad news for helping him Who the king face the wrath
' Banished I say! never come back you can't stand on my land you'll be kicked out instantly I never wanna see you again' this filled the Steve with so much dread knowing he can't go home again..."
The Steve voice starts to worry a little bit
'I want to be there but....' I do not want him to see me the way that I am....
" later down the line his mind was raced and played like a little game showing him all of this painful way breaking and crashing down feeling like he is buried now. The way he was set free was with the rest of his sanity, feeling the freedom through his hair being let go of a dreadful scare"
He looked at the sky sadly
"Though the way I want was bad I had the thing that they all had, I did not want it at all but was so scared! So they chased and chased me through with the leaves as I ran with Rainbow surrounding me.... They caught me... and Took the crystals tearing me apart......"
He shook his head and kept going

" now I have waited an eternity just to see his blue eyes, waiting for him to pass on, or visit me in the void like white grass, hoping and praying the rumors are not true he is no monster....."
"......seer.....I miss you so much....." the Steve said..... no
Colle said....
The sad truth is.....I watched him as they chased him.....
I could had done something! But... I did nothing but watched...... after the loss of him I had...... became a monster.....
I can't let him see me.....but
He had been waiting? God it has been years....
Getting up from the ground and I Started to walk away.
But I guess he Heard the crunching of the grass from under my feet
A freeze as I hear his voice
"Hello? Who is there?" He asks sounding like his voice is getting closer
I did not know what to do but in A matter of no time he appeared in front of me is ghostly figure
"Hello?" He asked waving his hand in front of my face
I back off quickly and fall to the floor
"Ow!" I yell on the ground
"Oh god I am so sorry! I did not mean to scare you" he holds his hand out and I take it to get up
"My name is—"
"Colle I know already" I say looking up at his surprise face
"How did you?...." He trail off thinking
"......it.....it's me...." I look at him
And he looks at me for a sec or two
"Wait...." He gets quickly knocking off my hood, revealing my black hair....but there is Blue under it you can see how poorly dyed it is
".....seer?" He asking in a shaky voice
It was so—
"SEER!" He yelled running into me and making me fall to the floor
"Oww..." I say as he keeps hugging me
"I missed you so much! It has been forever!" He holds me as he cry's....
I did not know what to say though....
He holds me as if I had not killed thousands
Made his people basically go extinct! He does not even know that I had done horrible things that he want against...
He lays his head on my chest longingly and he is cuddling me....
"Seer..... did...you...died..." he asked and did not look at me...
"..." I did not know what to say...
"...I... guess that vision dread Steve showed you generations ago came true huh?"
That made me pause...Man he had a great memory
"Hun....I guess so...." I said holding him now not wanting to ever ever let him go.....
not again
I feel his skin and feel dips? I sit up a bit and..... I was finally able to get a good look at him.....
He had crack like the lines all over his body hell even his eyes!
They were in his mouth maybe!
I sat there looking at his red eyes....they were.. so pale..... and what I mean was that they were light they even looked like a pink
His hair looked pink as well
".....w....what happen to you...." Is all I could get out as I held his head
".....you Heard of the second Hero right...." He said getting comfortable on me again
"...." I did not respond
"Well....taking crystals away from an unwilling host is.....very.....very painful..." he said bearing his head in my chest mumbling the last part

No..... No.....
H...he was.....
I held him Close, he was torn apart
Like a damn toy! He did not deserve for that to happen to him!
He was so kind and helped even when he wasn't feeling like it!
I did not care..... I can hold him again... and finally for a very very long time the wait is over for him.....


Hey guys I hope you like this I didn't really like the part when I did a little singing thing but I'm gonna leave it anyways I think it's OK👍


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