Oh no! We got another one

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Top: Sabre was doing another one of Professor Red's test that was dealing with his bleed, with the way that the odd Red king reacted. He wanted to see what he could do with it
Sadly this had to deal with a portal and a more.... Less caring Sabre when it comes to Steve's

Just in case it does not show on top—————————-3ed POV

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Just in case it does not show on top
3ed POV

Sabre flinched as the syringe dug into his skin and pulled, taking his blood
Sabre watched as his blood filled the syringe and he just sighed
Sabre did not want to be here today, he wanted to be home, relax his wounded covered body and massage his damaged wings
The thought of his wings made them twitch and an old pain slowly pass though
Old pain that has been with him for far to long
The syringe was pulled out of my skin and a bandage was put over the small wound as the professor took my blood to a medical machine
I sighed as I took of the table and M stood by my side
"So what is with the blood, we know what it does when a Steve gets in into their bloodstream"
M said as he walked to the to the machine and leaned on it to look at what the mad Steve was doing
"I wanted to look over the blood"
Is all he said as he looked over to the blood under what Sabre thought was a blocky kind of microscope
"I thought you did last time" M said as he raised an eyebrow
"Never had the chance to"
The professor replied as he looked over the human blood
Sabre sat down in a comfortable chair as he listened to the two talk about how different my blood was and bla bla bla
Sabre could care less about all of this as he just closed his eyes and listened

After a long day in the lab it came to a close with one more test
"So why do you even have this!"
M said as he stood dumbfounded
There that stood before them was a portal that was used to get to where the demon Steve's were
Sabre asked with he looked, well he turned to face the Red professor
"I wanted to see what would happen if I used your blood as a way to get to a new world/ universe"
He said as he placed the blood onto a plate and watched it slip into the machine connected to portal and it started to power on
"Why would you want that!" M yelled as the portal came to life
"Why wouldn't I! I have done it before why not again!"
The professor laughed happily as the blood was taken and started to change the color purple turns to a deep shade of green
Sabre just looks tried well professor looks excited to see how this goes


Great white wings flapped as he put the last touches to his machine
He has been chasing after this rainbow Steve ever since he had heard that it was a thing from his lights that fly around his head as they spilled the yells of Steve's
Let's just say he was excited to find this rainbow one and see what he could do with it
The machine was spit into many color tubs that would hold the many kinds of other Steve's
He was just happy as his wings puffed and then I felt a blow of air
He turned and saw a cracking portal that was a shade of green show up out of no where
He jump back in nothing knowing this was here, he heard the sounds of the lights as they fly over his head
"We should not go"
"It could be a Steve?"
"Ooo something new!"
"What if it kills you?"
They all have something to see as he listen and he hear them all have something to say
He sigh as he walk around the portal, it came from nowhere. At least that is what he can see, hetake out a book and quail as he start to write what he can see down
And it's not much
He just walk around it as the lights talk and talk he yawn as he open my wings
"I am just going in"
He said as he look back to my machine that he made. He will come back soooo he can do this later. He go over to one of my chest and open it as he pull up my chat box up and put cheats on just in case
He go in front of the portal as he flapped my wings
"Ok! Let's goooo!!"
He yelled out with my sword in hand and wings open as he plugged himself into the green portal, the colorful lights followed right behind them

The portal disappeared like it was never there as soon as he was gone


It was quiet in the room once the portal was made, the green started the same for a while
"I do not think it worked"
Sabre said as he just stood by M with his arm crossed
The professor just looked happy until a minute passed then he signed
"Well! There is always next time"
He said as he moved over to the machine to maybe see what went wrong
"Can I go now?"
Sabre said as he rubbed at his wounded wing. M just rubbed his face
"Yeah, we can go. I can drop you off—-"


White wings were what Sabre saw as it rocked itself out of the portal and into the wall right in front of it crashing into lab equipment as some glass broke and boxes falling over
"Wow!" The new Steve? Person? yelled as he laughed and started on his back for a moment
He soon stood up and shook the debris off of his wings. Everyone stood still as the being did so not worried about where they were or what was going on around them
Sabre was shocked so was M but the professor was happy
"It worked!"
The professor yelled as he ran at the new being that was taken from himself as he looked at the red Steve running at him
"Wow! Back up!"
They said as he quickly moved to get away from the Steve
"Professor Red! Stop you are scaring him!"
M yelled as he grabbed and pulled The mad red Steve back, well he tried
The new guy looked confused but interested, there were lights that flow over his head making soft chiming noises
Once the professor was able to get his hands free he was in the new guy grabbing his arms and looking at him madly
"What are you!"
Professor said as he started to examine the being and the being did something.... Similar?
"Names favermysabre! And I am a human player"
The being—-, Sabre took a few steps back as M and the professor froze. The professor only for a moment well M looked back at Sabre with confusion and wonder
"Sabre?" M said in confusion and "Sabre" nodded
"Yup just came though that green portal after it popped up out of nowhere well I was working on my machine—-""Machine!?"
The professor yelled with stars in his eyes and grabbed "Sabre" by his face and moved him way to close to his face
"You make machines!?" He said in mad wonder
"Yup! I make them to be able to catch Steve's"
"Sabre" said before he pulled away from the professor suddenly loose grip
"And to say that I am surprised that I am able to hold this conversation with you"
Sabre said as he took out a book and started to write in it
"Where I come from, Red Steve's are dumb as rocks and nearly stay to themselves" The new "Sabre" said into the shocked silence of the room
"They are very aggressive too, never liking the other 3 colors"
They kept going before he snapped the book closed making the room jump by the sudden noise
"Oooo! Are there other colors here or just the normal 3?"
The "Sabre" yes, with quotations because this one is acting as if Steve's were not beings, but like animals to be tested
That calmness that Professor has ever been in years said
"Oh! I should explain" he said with a smile as he opened the book and want to a paper near the front of the book
"So like I said with red Steve, they live to themselves and look red stone for some reason"
"Sabre" started as he started to pace around the room
"Then there were the yellow work with gold and would just run fast away"
"Sabre" chuckle but soon turned back to the now more quiet professor
"But, if you act this way...."
He started the he smaller wide
"The other could too! I have to see!"
He said pushing passed thee mad scientist and run out of tne room
"Wait! You can't" M yelled as he was snapped out of his thought and ran after "Sabre"
"This is not good"
Sabre started to feel fearful as he thought about how THAT "sabre thought of Steve and how in anyway that could be good! Like what if he try's to make his machines and the it hurts, and even worse! Kills someone! Sabre shook his head and quickly after the two leaving the professor in the room in silence
But when that did not mattter, he heard the  sounds of yelling and a door slamming open on top and the next thing he knew.

"Sabre" got away, flying over the heads of the now confused and horrified Red Steve's as the being became nothing but a dot in the sky......

This is so not good

There will be another part but hopefully the last for this part

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