"It's been forever has it?"(???)

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Ok I want to do a new book of a character that I had for sometime now and I would love to do a little story for them hope it's good

He fall from the sky like an angle for the heaven, he only came to when he hit the ground and landed breaking his arm and he yelling for someone to help him
Though who was he yelling for? He had done nothing curse and kill
That is what he was made for
No, he was made to keep the balance of karma, if someone did bad like killing he was made to curse them for the thing they had done
And so he did after a while he got bored and start doing it on his own ad the power got to his head and stronger than his dad he remembered how his dad was when he had to fight his own son and how his blue eyes filled with water never stop dripping down his face
He knew one of them were coming
Couldn't be that faded rainbow and White one, he looked like he would fall any minute, the one with brown hair couldn't it fly or anything from why he knew
So the Clock one might be doing it
He laying on the grass as the wind want by and his nearly pitch black hair with pink went in the wind, he could feel the blood coming from his arm and from out parts of his body when he heard something
'Ah there is died' he thought as the sound go closer he sat there waiting as he did he was remembering

The land was covered with flowers and grass, the light from the sun was nice and there was nothing to hurt him
There was a big home behind him where he and his father stayed, he could smell lunch and dessert after
Curse had flimsy wings that were a Black that faded to pink on the tips of the feathers and he knew his dad loved him so much
He dad had a big wolf that would play with curse when he was young and have many hours of playing and more
No he can't remember the dogs face or his dad smile
Well he remembered his grandpa how much he felt sorry that curse can never be able to fly with his wings but that was never his grandfather's problem
He could hear The voices of his dad talking sweetly to him and them talking and laughing over the littlest things
Even when, he had 3 other kids
They still had time for each other

He snapped out of his memories as he felt pain again and saw who was In front of him, there was a green Steve that looks like they've been through literal hell
They have no left arm and not right leg but An iron prosthetic with scars all over their body, like one over  is there Eye that was somehow still able to see with when first curse recognize they were there they're tail flicked and A uneasy feeling came over me as they stared at me And only silence was all that could be heard
First curse could feel this energy from someone so far back in their memory and they started to walk towards them
Cursed didn't know what to do just set up but yelled from his arm and he guess his lower back and leg
"Why are you yelling now?" They asked looking down at them with zero sympathy in their eyes I don't think they even had any
"Do you know who I am?" They asked more like they demanded to know for some reason ne stuttered out his answer
"N- no n.... Not that I k— know o- o-of" his voice was shaking and so was he too
The green Steve didn't even hesitate for his only hand two curses cheek and looked into his eyes
"It's me curse, Alvaro your uncle" The green Steve said as he quickly grabbed curses throat and held it tight
The first curse struggled using his only good arm to fight the arm away I scratching it and pushing
The green Steve that one stood in front of me disappeared in a mist like cloud now that was in front of me was a center with white hair four eyes only two of them properly worked
" shhh it's ok curse" he said comforting the struggling Steve
" you knew this was coming didn't you? You took the away from me,I'm here to take your life" they said stepping away from me and getting ready to strike lightning
"No! Please!" Curse yelled and begged for them not to
"Hun it's either me that does this quick and easy, or you're the one step right to this point. Either way you're not leaving today" it curse realized he wasn't the same uncle anymore
The one that played pranks on him and his dad when he was younger now
A man with zero sympathy and ready to take his life without any hesitation
Before he can say anything else piercing pain filled his ears with ringing and his screams could be heard as Lightning shot through his body and he sat laying against the tree light to leaving his eyes
In his uncle staring at him as his life leaves

Time had already got there when the green Steve other known as 'Alvaro' and saw him kill first curse or his nephew with no sympathy showing on his face when curse Screamed in pain
The forest fell silent and Alvaro, started to cry and walked away from the bodying did not know what to say or do and just want back to Sabre and light Steve not saying thing

So I know that this make little to now since but when it makes the book eventually it will hope y'all liked it anyways


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