Parasite- stuck⚠️

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Just in case it is not where it should be———————————Sol POV

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Just in case it is not where it should be

I could feel as it pushed itself down my throat and nose
The pain and the feeling of suffocation was great and painful as I twitched and seized. My body becoming not my known as I was pushed and locked to the back of my mind..... but I could still feel everything
I could feel the ripping of the flesh of the red guards and the feeling of the meat going down my throat. I could feel it all and hear their cry's
I could do nothing as I felt its sludge moving though my body and making it it's and no longer mine
Pain was all I could feel as I felt it cut my arms and legs and let me bleed
I could do nothing to stop this
I wish this never happened.....

Parasite POV

Blood dripped from the mouth of myself, there was enough to make it more needed to move more out of my body.
The sludge slipping from the deep cuts un the back and making the tentacles more longer any bigger. Ripping the skin and blood of my own dripping from the older cuts.
My steps leave spots on the ground as I go, I am following a smell of a Steve near by. The walk was not long and it only seems to be one Steve in the settlement
The settlement is surrounded by many green plants I moved past and want to the door. My mouth watered at the thought of food as i slammed my sludge covered hand on the door. I knew very little of these formalities but it's better to do this than to break in and scare the Steve off
Teleporting is a pain in the as-
The door open
"How can I—"
A yell as I slammed the door open and jumped at the Steve inside their own home
I slam the Steve to the ground as my sludge filled eyes open to see the scared Steve on the ground under me
A scent filled into my nose and my attack stopped on the Steve. I got a good look at them as they shook under me and my sludge dripped onto them
They were a green Steve, they looked at me with fear as I looked down. But that was not the thing that stopped me from taking its life.
It was what's on its wrist.

Therapist Green Steve

I was in my kitchen cooking for myself in my home. It has been a quiet day nothing has happened in a while. I sighed as I looked down to my wrist
Long before Sabre left, I was there to help him he had control over the corruption of the darkness, his skin stains with black and that damned sword in his hand
I said nothing about it at the time, he was in a bad place at the moment and just saying that would do nothing to help him get better
I wanted him to come to my home so he could clean up, he was shocked I was not afraid of him for what he had done and what he has than
I said I was not scared and let him into my home. He was thankful for that I can tell with how his body relaxed and he came over to me with out worry of me hurting him. I lead him back to my home and let him get comfortable.
I knew Saber for a while now before all of this happened but he has always had this vibe around him. It's like a sense of control over something different, something old as well. He looked different and from how he looked now, he seem to be holding more on his plate than what I knew
But I did not judge him, I tended to what wounds he had and let him tell his stories of what happened. I wanted to help him even when no one would. He was at my home for 2 days before he had his epiphany and left running. But, before he even did that. He told me something that I had never told anyone and now I wish I had.
He turn to me and with a thankful smile he took his blindfolded off and shown his eyes were just a bright green, the green was so memorizing enchanting that I felt a little shy at the color. The color was not like any green I had ever seen and it would have made any green Steve blush.
He smiled as he give me his blindfold
"Thank you, I am thankful you trust me and I hope in the future I can pay you back ten times over"
He said as my lightly grabbed wrist and with two fingers he made a symbol
"You will never be harm ever again, when I am here and long after"
He give me a bright smile as he left me there shocked into the silence he had left behind. Me standing there with a symbol I could never get off and the last thing he in their world that only I have....
I sighed as I looked at the symbol

And now my eyes filled with unsheathed tears as..... sol? Jumped me as soon as I opened my door. I knew this would happened someday, I leave out here alone
I tried to fight but he had me pinned down.
His.... It's mouth open before he could take a bit and he just.....
Stopped, as if something caught its attention. One of the sludgy tentacles moved from where they were on its back and slipped around his wrist, the wrist where the symbol sat on my arm, covered by the blindfold that I kept oh so close to me....
Its near black eyes widen as it saw the symbol. It looked at me and away so panic as I quickly got off of me and helped me help.
I was so confused that I forgot to be scared, the thing looked around and then at me.... I do not know what this means and why this mark matters to it

Parasite POV

Ones I saw the mark I quickly got off the savior of my god and bow deeply for my misdeeds as I stay nothing and keep bowing. The savior of my god had lost his fears from my attack and I stay bow for what I have done
Once I look back at him I try to talk, I speak in my own tongue but it comes out nicely. Though the Steve looked completely confused but it, I see that the god had only give him the protection but not the blessing. I move closer, close enough to make the Green Steve worried again and back up. I saw the savior grow worried again with how close I had become, I stopped and tried to explain as I pointed to my host throat and back to the savior.
The Green savior was mostly confused at what I was doing. I kept trying trying for a moment before I give up with a sigh.
May my god forgive me, i quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. He yelled but it was stopped when my host mouth touched the savior, this kind of act was seen as loving for the "Steve" species. At least that I what I had learned from the Steve's mind that I have hold over. The sludge from my host started to crawl up from the pit of the stomach and and up the throat and into the mouth of the savior and down his throat.
The Steve's eyes widened with fear as he ripped his self away from myself and started to gag, trying to get the sludge I pushed down his throat. Tears filled his eyes as he felt it move inside him....
I smiled happily now that I had someone save to talk to....

——————- to be continued —————-

Hey I have a new part for you all^^ hopefully you enjoy it and I become more motivated to keep it going I have another story on the way after this one so hope that one when it comes out^^


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