Update A/N

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(In all seriousness Deltarune is so good.)

Soooooooo it's been a while and firstly I want to let you guys know that I am alive and well.

You have probably been wondering on my inactivity. I was updating weekly on this book and the moment I finished, things just kinda slowed down. One reason for that was that i got burnt out. It was really fun and I was super motivated into writing this story. I still was afterwords but the will to write sort of disappeared.

Then I returned to in person classes and I had to adjust to new schedules. Rhe tons of assignments I was getting and still am getting. It was like this before but with online, I somehow had more time on my hands. That is how this whole writing project started. I was isolated and wanted something to do.

Okay so a few months have passed and my writers block faded away. I have been doing some planning and I have even written the first two chapters of the sequel.

So with this new found inspo, I want to share what I have planned.

Firstly I am putting the Halloween rewrite on hold. Whether it happens or not who knows. I rewrote the beginning like three times and I just couldn't get it right. Which sucks because I know exactly what to do for the middle and ending.

Secondly, I will continue editing the chapters in this book. It will happen when I have free time or when I am having a bit of writers block.

Third, the sequel will be released in early December! I can feel it. I mean, I could publish the first two parts now but I want to have a few more chapters at the ready before that.

Next, I have one more project up my sleeve. Well truthfully I have been planning like 4 new fanfics but those other ones will come in time. The one I am working on now especially excites me as it may be my last undertale related fanfic.

I might publish the first chapter a little after the sequel is published and I will probably be updating it a lot less then the sequel, but I think it would be a really fun side project.

Before I show you a sneak peak, I want to mention the most important part about this update and that would be my update schedule.

Here's the thing, I don't have one. And that is because my daily schedule is soo busy that I can't say that I will have a new chapter out every once a week. It can range from a chapter every 2 weeks to a chapter every 2 months. I'll use my announcements page to keep you guys updated with when chapters will come.

Okay that should be everything to discuss about, here is the sneak peak of not only the sequel but my secret project that I have been working on for about half a year now. If you can guess what the secret project is then I hope you are looking forward to it.

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"We got a. . . Problem here. Over."

"Officer l/n responding, what's the issue? Over."

"Well we're getting reports of a large group of strange creatures in MT. Ebbot forest. People are saying that they are . . . Monsters."

"Hey l/n! What do you think of this?"

"A hoax. Just some role players that organized an event in the forest without a permit."

"You sure? Some heard the creatures claim they came from deep under the mountain. Like the legends, and that they are accompanied by two humans who survived the fall. Wouldn't it be cool if it was true? Real life monsters! With magic!"

"No I don't find it cool or believe a single word from these 'creatures'. No one lives down there . . . and no on has survived the fall."

What We Fight For

Coming out in December

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I notice that we stopped near a tree with wanted posters of us. I catch sight of mine and snatch it.

"no, no, no,no no no, no, no this is bad this is very very bad, this is really bad. . ." Gaster and Alphys look at me confused.

"they just can't get my mouth right!" I turn the page over to reveal a pretty good drawing of me with pointy teeth. "i mean it's a permanent smile how hard is that to draw?"

"Who cares?" Gaster rubs above his nose cavity.

"well it's easy for you to say, you guys look amazing." I bend down to look at their wanted posters. Alphys had a big-eyed look to her with a nervous smile. While Gaster's had this cool gruff look with excessive cross hatching.

The rumbling of horse trotting nears and at a ledge above us the royal gaurd peer over. I spot a few familiar faces along with a few new ones. I stuff the poster into the satchel and we break out into a full sprint again. We couldn't get much further as we reach a dead end. The only way forward was by climbing up the ledge.

"alright, okay. i'll teleport up there and i'll pull you up." I tell the two.

Gaster furrows his brow bone and holds his hand first. "Give me the satchel first."

I recoil in betrayal. "wha . .? i just. . . i can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't trust me?"

Gaster deadpans at me while Alphys looks away a little guilty.

"ouch." I drop the satchel into his awaiting hand.

I teleport up and peer over. "Now help us up son." Gaster holds his hand up again.

"sorry, my hands are full." I hold up the satchel I snatched from him and bolt off.

"SAANNNNNS!!!" I hear Gaster scream at me.

"sorry alphys, no hard feelings okay!"

[Title redacted]
Coming soon

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