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Author POV
hyunra woke up to see white ceiling and a fan spinning around. she slowly sit up on the bed as she looked around.

there her favourite person is, eric sohn.

he is sleeping on the couch, with his hand supporting his jaw on a pillow on his lap. she just sat still from the bed, admiring his look. she missed him so much, and she is finally able to see him. the best thing she woke up to.

a small smile plastered on her face as she sees how soundly eric sleeps. she worried if he hasn't been sleeping for days, is he staying up overnight due to his worried of her?

slowly, he opened his eyes. the first thing he saw is her smiling, widely awake.

"hyunra?", he called out as he pinched his skin and hissed in pain. "OMG HYUNRA IS AWAKE!!!!", he cheered as he went near to her. she giggled at how cute is he. "eric, do you still... like me?", is the first thing she asked.

even though she doesn't wanna hear the answer no, but she rather have short pain than long pain.

"what do you mean by that?! of course i do you idiot! i said that i will never ever let you go, you're mine forever, and only mine", he said sweetly as he held her hands and intertwined with her fingers. he placed a kiss on her hand as he smiled, "i love you"

a tear came down from her eyes, "i love you too eric, forever."

"don't cry princess", he said as he caressed her cheek, wiping the tear with his thumb, and smiled again, "im happy and grateful that you're safe and okay, im sorry for not saving you earlier and not protecting you well"

"what are you sorry for, no one wants this happened, what's important is that we are safe now, right?", she spoke softly.

she suddenly looked down to her stomach level. eric's smile faded from his face, and she seemed to notice it. "what's the matter?"

he held her hands tighter, "hyunra ah... listen to me, don't be sorry and don't blame yourself after what you heard later okay?" he tried to put a smile on his face, and she can see that it's a sad forced smile.

she is worried, gradually nodded her head.

"y-your, o-our baby, d-didn't survived..."

she became expressionless in a blink of eyes. no more smile, not even a forced one. she pushed his hands away from hers. no more hopeful and lovely eyes. "w-what..."

she started to cry.

"o-our b-b-baby... d-died? h-how can t-this be? w-why is it me... w-why is it n-n-now...", she covered her face while sobbing.

eric's heart dropped when he saw her crying, he doesn't want her to be sad. he doesn't want her to be heartbroken. he hates that he's the one who made her sad, who made her cried.

"hyunra...", eric muttered softly, wanting to go closer to her but she shook her head.

"d-don't. d-don't come near to m-me..."

"o-okay... as long as you don't do anything bad to yourself, i will give you some time. please, take care of yourself, at least for me. i love you so much", and that he went out of the room.

she's alone, again.

she can't help, but to cry. cry about everything, about her baby, about her own life.


"she's awake", eric told the boyz and hyunjun. they all cheered in happiness, some of them jumping around and kevin the special one, twerked while cheering.


everyone stopped their ceremony and paid attention to the youngest.

"i told her about our baby. she need some alone time for now"

everyone else started to feel sad. "is it okay if i visit her later?", sangyeon asked. the others started to argue too, probably arguing who should go to see her too together with sangyeon.

eric shook his head, "she doesn't seem to be emotionally stable. i will take care of her hyung, it's okay. i'll let you all see her tomorrow."

and that eric left the house.


eric is feeding her some food. she kept rejecting to eat, she doesn't have appetite after knowing the sad news.

"eric, please...", tears are coming out from her eyes again. the more she thinks about the baby, the sadder she got. she just can't bring herself to reality that, she lost a wonderful life. she failed to protect her and eric's baby inside her, she thinks that she failed eric and also the baby.

eric put down the food aside and held onto her hands. she slowly looked at him, with her watery eyes.

"it's not your fault hyunra. you did your best to protect our baby. i do not blame you, so please don't blame yourself too hmm? we can have another one in the future too right?", he said.

"but... it's not easy to have a baby, eric. i even hurt the baby before, will there even be next time for me?", she pouted.

"silly, of course there will be. we can try everyday if you don't mind, though", he winked and she giggled, pushing his hands away as she got embarrassed. "you smiled! omo my baby smiled, finally!", he cupped her cheek.

she gave him another smile, "i love you"

"i love you too~ i will love you more if you would eat some food, at least some spoons of it, mhm? what do you say?", he grinned.

"a kiss?", she asked, halfly pouted.

"no, not until you fill your tummy for me"


he cheered as he started to feed her the food.

"i love you, hyunra.", he gave her a peck on her lips. "i love you too, eric", she gave him a small smile, and that melted his heart.

another one here hehe, have a nice day uwu

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