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  The accustomed hustle and bustle of the OP floor died down when the silver shiny elevator doors slid vertically meeting at the middle commanded by a slender finger push. The cramped space is enclosed on four sides by almost opaque metal walls, a white light spreading out on the restricted space, accentuating her body. She didn't have an hourglass figure. She had chunky thighs, plump lips, slumped shoulders, dry black hair grazing her shoulders and irregular curves of her middle section. Her brown skin glistening with sweat as she tucks the file under her right arm to collect the hair sticking to her back and collecting it to one side to cool down her skin while sighing a relaxed breath. The elevator space was accompanied by two more people other than her and the elevator operator.

"Off to duty rounds, Doctor? " One of the two people voiced their suspicion.

"No, Dr Kevin, we got a high profile case. I have been assigned on behalf of the neuro department." She smiled at the little opportunity she has been bestowed on her. There have been rumours that the MD himself chose the doctors from each department since the patient Sasha had been assigned was one of MD's best friends.

The managing director of the elite ' Lifeline ' hospital is one of the respected and successful surgeons in the country, who have a record of having the highest number of successful surgeries in the entire world.

"Dr Sasha, this is an amazing opportunity for a surgeon for someone with low experience. I guess you should check your appearance before you go up there, who might know someone with no experience might get a sugar daddy there." He chuckled with a smirk growing on his.

Sasha, an Asian American woman, always knew to fight for her identity and this has been happening since she was in school. But she never gave up. Comments on her experience, appearance, financial status have always been the areas people try to hit her but Sash trained herself to know better than to react to them or dwell upon them losing her sanity.

Sasha grimaced in pain. But she knows better than to push all the mocking comments and harsh insults coming on her way to reach where she wants to reach. It is hard enough to grow without a father, and all the conflicts that happened over these years had prepared her to dodge all the uncharacteristic questions and subtle sexual comments being thrown at her. She put on her smile as she looked through the opaque, shiny steel to look at Dr Kevin.

It is not in her nature to give back snarky comments, all she tries to smile at them and works her best to prove herself to her mother that she can be something without her father in her life. It wasn't rage or hate, it was the longing to prove to her mother that she was worth every love she gave her. She couldn't just throw her father. Her mother made sure she never hated her father. Every time Sasha was about to give up on her father, her mother always told her that it was her choice to send him away. But Sasha knew better than her lie. But life can be tough when we least expect it to be, if her father gave up on his career and supported her mother, then he would never be the person he is now. He wouldn't be the top third surgeon in the country and wouldn't be saving so many lives.

She excused herself when they reached the topmost floor of the hospital and turned right towards the VIP section and moved towards the nurse table where all the timings have been noted along with case files.

She skimmed through the patient's vital measures and began to walk towards the VIP patient who had been admitted.

Pushing through the glass door where a warning sign sits conveying that the patient admitted here is not allowed for any outside contact, she wore a freshly placed blue scrub and covered her nose and mouth with a blue surgical mask. Snapping sounds of latex medical gloves against her hands filled the entire room. Finishing by sliding the covers onto her legs, she pulled the white curtains aside, revealing the VIP patient lying half-conscious with tubes and medications simultaneously passing through his body.

Beside him was a petite woman covering her entire body with protective scrubs to avoid the patient being affected. Sasha’s eyes skimmed the entire room, noting down the vitals, and her eyes once again fell upon the woman. As soon as the woman's eyes fell on Sasha she stood up from the metal chair she had placed herself, stumbled over and reached the metal handle of the bed to steady herself.

Sasha extended her hand to help the woman and encouraged her to sit down, and she began to do her duty. After an hour of scanning through the patient's body and going through some minor checkups, she decided to leave, turning her head towards the woman, she gave a smile and whispered, “He is doing well, and soon he will be out of the coma. Stay strong, Mrs Kingston.”

With that, she walked away from the room and began to start diagnosing Mr Kingston.

"Reported tremors in the left hand, recurring nightmares, collapsed in the middle of a speech, spasms in the larynx. A bullet to the left arm during a very young age. Two major cardiac surgeries, diabetic, burnt right foot and symptoms of Arthritis" She listed one of many pieces of information she found helpful.

" I could get used to the sight, " Shane's voice brought a smile to her face.

Shane, Sasha's boyfriend, is a microbiologist working in the same hospital as Sasha. They met through some common friends, and it was their love at first sight and they both started dating, met parents on their third date and have been together for 2 years now.

"Oh, yeah, even if it means, you cannot see me like before where I was running behind the patients moving them to the ER from the ambulance? " Sasha couldn't help but smile at the happiness Shane brought to her life. Followed by a tiring and exhausting day, having Shane holding her, telling her encouraging words, sweet kisses and cuddles make everything worth it.

Deep down always Sasha had a fear, no matter how much Shane comforted her, the fear only seemed to grow, slowly engulfing her soul, that she sometimes lose her mind and was ashamed of showing the part to him, no matter how many therapies, she couldn't find freedom from the captivation from fear, the fear of abandonment. The fear of losing someone she loves, like her father, left her mother without a second thought.

Until she met someone who thrives as a king in the dark, it wasn't the fear of abandonment she was scared of with him, it was fear of the addiction to ecstasy brought by losing herself in his darkness. She wasn't ashamed of her insanity anymore, she accepted with open arms like the scars scattered over his heart.

He was her everything, she was his secret.


Here we go! I am so nervous and anxious about the book. Unlike my other books, you will be getting regular weekly updates for the book.
Thank you for choosing this book. Hope you enjoy your stay.

You can follow me on Instagram: thiya_writes. It is where you can find me writing poems and posts related to the book. Spotify playlist link on my bio.


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