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"On more squeak, I will snap your neck," With that he grabbed my neck, slamming my head back against the wall

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"On more squeak, I will snap your neck," With that he grabbed my neck, slamming my head back against the wall. The intensity of the hit wasn't enough to make me go blank as we see in movies, but it was enough to produce a whirlwind of dancing images of the surroundings in my head. He dragged me to the nearby cubicle containing medicines and surgical instruments.

I was stumbling over the edge of consciousness when he dragged me by my arm and shoved me over the chair placed in the corner of the room. Leaning down at me, he grabbed my chin forcefully and made me look at him.

"Who the fuck are you ?" he sneered.

My eyes shut themselves due to the intensity of his anger, fearing that he might hurt me, he pressed his fingers deeper into my chin, demanding an answer from me. I slowly opened my eyes, locking them with his grey ones, his breath of hot air on my face.

"Open the fucking eyes," He shouted at my face.

"I... I am a doctor." I stuttered as I wrapped my hands around his wrist and tried to pry his hands from my face.

He tightened his hands on my chin, pushing my head back into the wall. I winced at the sudden contact.

"Oh yeah, do you want me to believe that?" His face morphed into a smirk.

Suddenly, the alarms went off, blaring through the walls. He hastily removed his hands and bolted towards the curtain. I followed him to Mr Kingston's room.

I pushed the guy, who just pinned me in a corner of the room, when I saw the patient whimpering, withering with lack of oxygen, blood seeping from the wrist. The ECG continued to produce abnormal sounds, matching the unstable condition expressed by the old man lying on the bed.

That's when a group of people emerged through the doors of the VIP unit. They began to shout at us, telling me to stop the bleeding, pushing through the unknown man for the reasons of the cause. I applied pressure over the open wound for a few minutes and tied it down to stop the bleeding. A wave of Panic rushed through the room when the ECG went blank.

Quickly moving over to his face, I shouted for the nurses to bring the defibrillator, straddling the patient, I pressed the defibrillator on his chest, repeating it for a few minutes. With one final push, I saw him come back to life. Hooking him to an oxygen tube, I climbed down to check on the wound. I slowly began to check his body for any other damages.

Donnell Morphis, the MD of the Lifeline Hospital, emerged to the room with fear laced in his face. He shouted at his son, Jere,whom I met a few handful times, to drag everyone outside the room.

He moved over to his friend, going through his own checkups, and extended his hands for the reports of the patient.

Donnell Morphis, a man of words, that's how I would describe him. He is happily married with three kids, two daughters and one son. He is one of the few successful doctors in the country and owns the largest multi-speciality hospital in the city. However, he had always been reluctant, distant and strictly professional with me, and expected perfection from his employees.

I would say it would be one of the reasons for his huge success.

I placed the reports in his hands, when I caught his glance at me from the corner of my eyes.

"Do I have the privilege to know where the hell have you been, when one of my patients was on the brink of death," His voice was cold and menacing.

There he goes.

" I was about to check the..." I was cut off by a masculine voice, I turned to look at the man with his shirt half torn, looking like he was in a fight, standing tall and tired, his face was adorned with glasses. He passed me a brief glance at me.

"It was Axel, he misjudged her,"

Misjudged? Excuse me, he was so close to snapping my neck into two.

Dr Morphis nodded his head, throwing the report pad in my direction, moving towards the door, following the guy who came in here.

Before closing the door, he turned to look at me and ordered," You can go home, I will take it from here,"

I opened my mouth to protest, but a stern look from him pushed me to nod my head.

I gave a final check to the patient and moved towards the corner of the room, washing my hands. A gush of wind sweeping my face brought a calming effect to my body and mind.

Oh, boy! How much I crave gentleness!

I looked at myself in the mirror, tracing my hands over the chin, where Axel made his mark. For a moment those grey eyes, the anger in his face, flashed into my mind. Shaking my head, I began to gather myself to leave the room.

As I exited the room, I could hear the whispering, heavy breathing and incoherent shouting from the adjacent room which is followed by a forceful slam. I was met with the same troubled, raging grey eyes. He snapped his head in my direction. With a final glare, he walked away from me, exiting the VIP ward altogether.

Sighing, I followed his path and began to remove my scrub and gathered my things. I slowly placed my head against the elevator wall and closed my eyes, trying to relax my body. I opened my eyes when the elevator chimed. I slowly dragged my shaking feet to my desk, to complete my closing duties.

I smiled at the picture of Vicky and Shane on my desk, grabbing the picture, adoring the two of my favourite people.

Likewise, I remember the day, this photo was taken, Shane and I visited Kate's house for Christmas, and Vicky and Shane bonded quickly because of their quirky habits and sense of humour. At that moment, I wished nothing more than to have a family with him. I smiled at the picture, suddenly missing Shane so much.

I packed my things, shooting Shane a text quickly that I am coming back to him.

True to his reply, he was standing in the doorway of his house, hair dishevelled with a sweet smile on his face.

"Long day, love?" He engulfed me in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into him, loving the comfort of the familiarity.

"Mhmm" I hummed.

He kissed my forehead and I let him drag me inside his house, and we made love all night until he washed away all my fear and encased me in his arms.



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