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My hands are feeling numb from holding onto the steering, I am shaking from head to toe, It would take me an eternity to let go of the scene I have experienced today

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My hands are feeling numb from holding onto the steering, I am shaking from head to toe, It would take me an eternity to let go of the scene I have experienced today. I am such a foolish person, I should have stayed where I was. Suddenly, all I could sense was the feeling of warmth of someone’s palm on my back, as I puked my gut in the middle of the parking lot of the hospital. I cough and pull away landing myself on my knees. I hug myself, my head seeming to play the incidents back in my mind without a pause. The splutter of blood on the walls was preceded by the snapping of bones, when the young man’s body fell out of life. Purplish bruises scattered on his skin, the agony in his voice above all one thing that is constantly in my subconscious every time I close my eyes is his eyes, the fear and despair startled me. That one moment when a bullet pierced his head and his whining and pleading halted along with the life he had been holding on to. I began to wail loudly at the thought of the poor man, he might have a family, a loved one, a daughter, a friend, or a dog waiting for him, depending on him for his money, his love and so much more. He was young, he had some much to give to the world, but, this one guy decided to take that all away from him.


It began a week after that night, I saw him in the hallway to the VIP rooms. He was alone, his head thrown back,with a cigarette unlighted on his chapped lips and eyes closed. As soon as he heard my footsteps halting, he opened his both eyes with caution, recognizing me he resumed his position.

“ You are not allowed to smoke in the hospital,” I announced.

“ I know, my actions are none of your business,” He retorted back.
Rolling my eyes at his rudeness, I walked away from him.

Then I would meet him with the patient, sometimes, tending to him, sometimes reading him books, or sometimes sitting alone in the chair with legs open, an unlighted cigarette on his lips his hands folded over his chest looking intently at the patient. Those were the days it would feel so wrong to even be present in the room. His grey eyes expressed an intense gaze like he would cure the patient with his eyes. And then when he would turn his head recognizing my presence projecting his piercing gaze into my eyes, into my soul. I would agree if he would just take my soul and encase it within him. 

I began to notice him every evening, he would be sitting in the hallway for two hours when the sun sets, and he would back near the patient all night without a wink of sleep or a word, the only time you would observe a moment in the room would be when he would hydrate himself.

Somedays, especially on weekends, I would see him with the family members of the patient during their meeting with the dean of the hospital. He would stand in the corner of the room, looking down, with his raven hair falling over his forehead, legs crossed, and an ever-etched frown on his forehead.

Axel Greyson is handsome and mysterious, that’s what the nurses have been talking about these days mostly, chanting his name every morning.

I wasn’t assigned a night shift since the incident. Gladly, I was happy with the arrangement, because though Axel Greyson seemed to be silent, he is moody and rude to me since the incident. One day during the past three weeks, we, unfortunately, met on our way to the VIP floor in the elevator.

As soon as the elevator door closed he removed the identity card that I placed in the right pocket of my coat and began to examine my property without my permission.

When I began to call out on his behavior, he said, “ You are prettier in person.” I was stunned by the comment. He pulled away his hands away from me when I tried to snatch my card back and raised it up in the air.

He turned his head towards me, taking a step closer, I stood firm not backing away in fear, his breath hot on my face, a musky smell lingering around him.

“ You look beautiful, graceful but ..” His eyes locked with mine. His other hand slowly moved towards me, taking a thin strand of hair away from my face and he continued, “ I can feel it in my bones that there is something vicious behind this beautiful facade you seem to carry around, and …” His hand on moving slowly towards the back of my head, clutching a chunk of hair and pulling it back as I came in direct contact with his entire face. A sudden gasp erupted from his action. He moved closer to my face and whispered, “ I promise to tear it all down, angel.” He smirked.

With that he was out of my space, doors opened and he was gone.

That was the cruelest and meanest thing I have ever come across in my life.

I pushed myself back from the insult, running towards an empty room to put myself back, with some water, I am back to work, not even passing a glance towards his way. When the clock struck 6 PM, I was out of the hospital, not even bothering to say goodbye to my friends and to my mother to seek comfort.

It has been two weeks since the elevator incident and 5 weeks since that night, today was my first night after a long time. I was grumping, complaining to Shane about the rude guy, Axel. The next morning Shane was sceptical about my behavior and he took me out on a walk in a park. He brought up his concern and I told him all about the night after some reassurance. Since then, Shane is helping me with anxiety and taking extra measures regarding my security.

We walked in hand to the floor and he watched me getting prepared for the usual check-up. We didn’t come across Axel on the way back here. Giving me a long hug and a lot of reassurance and a long kiss on my lips, Shane was ready to leave. Bidding him goodbye, I went to check on the patients. When no one answered my call for a gauze pad, I decided to go back to the storage and get myself one.

When I was walking back, I heard a loud thud, I couldn’t ignore it when the thud was followed by muffled noise. I should have called Shane or the police as Shane advised but with a foolish mind and curiosity, I slowly pushed the door,  which held the noises to a minimum.

That’s when I saw it.



I know I left a cliffhanger and I am not cruel, you will find out soon.

Groot is me trying set chemistry between Axel and Sasha:

Groot is me trying set chemistry between Axel and Sasha:

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Don't forget to follow me on Instagram : thiya_writes

Have a nice day and drink lots of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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