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Fire a force of nature that devours everything in its path. 

No matter what you do no matter if you are talented or a complete idiot it will still have the same effect on your fragile skin and body just as anyone else it will burn it all ,devour it.

We currently see  a lilac haired girl with a disability stuck trying to stay safe from the same force of nature.

Though she had her smug smile inside she was panicking trying to find a way out of her conundrum. 

The first year dorms had caught fire due to some issues. No one knows how exactly it happened .Was it a student's fault or perhaps a fire caused due to faulty wiring.No one knew but now was not the time to ponder about such trivial things .

Most of the students with the exception of one had already evacuated the building. Sakayanagi arisu owing to her disability was left behind and her fellow classmates had just noticed this horrible blunder once it was too late and the fire had blocked all exits and it was practically impossible to get her out without scaling the building using the railings on the side which were now red due to the heat just  touching one would give you a second degree burn instantly.

Sakayanagi was sitting at her room window looking down on all the people that had looks of horror on their faces realizing she was about to burn.

Masumi Kamuro looked like she was about to cry at any point though she didn't like the way Sakayanagi had made her a pawn she didn't exactly hate her in fact she grown fond of little loli and her schemes over time though she would never admit it openly.

 Strangely Ryuuen had tried to climb the building but had failed and had gotten a concussion, for him the school would be boring without the loli and the monster to keep him entertained and of course he won't admit it but he does care about human life.

Ichinose and most others just watched helplessly without being able to do anything she was desperately looking for Ayanokoji as no one had seen him  and the was trying to find him but the panic and loud people were just making it harder.

The smart ones like Horikita were also trying to find a way to save her.

The authorities had also arrived and were watching helplessly .It would take another 10 mins for the fire department to arrive because of some problems they were facing and most understood she wont last that long especially when you take her disability into account.

The defects and the stupid students were just causing more panic blaming authorities and needlessly shouting at others perhaps due to the fear that if they were late in evacuating the building they would have been in a similar situation which further made  it harder to properly think about something.

Sakayanagi pov:

It is quite amusing to see that this is how I go.I went to the window to get a fresh supply of Oxygen since i would pass out before the fire reaches me and given my disability I would most likely die of Carbon Monoxide poisoning before the fire .

My disability huh .It was one of the main reason I was in this situation but I didn't exactly hate it ,it was annoying how people always treated me like  I was made of glass .

It was one of the reason my intellect had grown so much over the years and one of the reason I learned to play chess.

Chess . Reminds me of the time when I first saw the masterpiece.How he destroyed every opponent in an uninterested manner ,my heart had just one wish when I saw him do all that.

I wanted to destroy him and make him mine.Well i never told him that i wanted to make him mine but his company was quite enjoyable as he saw me as me.

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