Kiyotaka in Harry Potter

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Harry pov:

We had  almost all the people from gryffindor in our year as the part of the army we were creating in order to fight Voldemort , initially no one believed that he was back but over time the evidence against that was  just too much to ignore the only person that hasn't joined us was this boy with brown hair and golden eyes his name was Kiyotaka as far as I can remember .

Not gonna lie I didn't even know that he existed until a few days back apparently he never communicated with anyone and he was pretty average the kind that you will forget a  day after meeting him , but that was the dilemma he was almost too average to the point people that actually wanted to befriend him would eventually forget about him .

Well we weren't taking any risks with him , Umbridge has us under strict surveillance and if he blurts out about what we were trying to do it won't end well for us .

Kiyotaka pov:

Well today is another peaceful day , I was actually enjoying this school until that pink panther came in and imposed some strict rules upon the student body , my life was more or less the same but the last thing  I would overlook is someone trying to mess with my freedom , I was reincarnated in this world in a family of powerful wizards , well they are not exactly powerful but they have a lot of influence much like all the other "powerful " families .

I had trained since birth on my magic and I was pretty average I would say I had nothing special about me , although my family was disappointed in my apparent lack of talents  and were biased towards my older sister who is  pretty powerful unlike me , even then she loves me  a lot no idea why .

Well enough about me I was sitting in my class when I sensed the Harry Potter looking at me , wow have I already become famous is my popular phase finally beginning , shrugging those thoughts aside I shifted my attention back to the class  ignoring his gaze , the students were all bored as the class was pretty boring after the changes that the ministry made to the curriculum of defense against the dark arts 

"Mr Kiyotaka you look pretty uninterested would you mind answering the question" Umbridge said asking me a question 

"Oh the answer is bla bla bla" I sat down after answering the question as it was pretty easy due to the new curriculum even a 7 year old could answer that 

"Well done Mr Kiyotaka at least someone is paying attention" She replied while looking at Potter while the rest of the glass gave me nasty looks , apparently they were avoiding Umbridge and I had answered the question and broke the code . How troublesome but I had no intention of getting a detention .

I just nodded my head and the class continued , the people in gryffindor had developed a strange unity over the past few days almost as if they  were doing something they shouldn't be not to mention at times I would sit in the common room and not a soul would be in site and suddenly they would show up as if they were doing something in a group , well none of that is my concern more peace chan for me .


Apparently some of the students form gryffindor and some from other houses  were caught making an army as a consequence the blame went to Dumbledore , real smart move putting his name on the name of army , he fled and now the atmosphere in the school is even more strict in the school than ever before , the eyes watching everyone involved  has increased , although there were some problems for the students it was a pretty good opportunity with increased eyes on specific students other were less monitored and since Dumbledore wasn't in the school , one could access the restricted library with proper precautions .

Well it might be a good idea to visit the library while the principal is still out to anyone who wants it well all this is a speculation not like I was going to do it.

I was returning to my dorm after doing some work and that was when I spotted Umbridge taking Potter and Granger somewhere ,well they will be fine . 

With that I decided to head back to my room for some rest .

Harry pov:

This was a trap, they lured us out using my connection to Voldemort and now we were surrounded by death eaters from all sides suddenly one of them used crucio on Neville however the spell was cancelled out before it could connect 

What just happened , even the death eaters were looking surprised , then out of the shadows stepped out  a man wearing a mask ,a dark black cloak ,it was as if magic was dancing around him ready to accept any command he gave and it will be done .

"Who are you boy " asked Bellatrix the woman that had killed Serius  

"I go by many names but you can call me X" he replied giving an elegant bow his voice cold and his aura dominating all of us 

"You have some guts to talk like that in front of o-"before the death eater could finish speaking his head was separated from his body no one could comprehend what had just happened , the man hadn't used any spell he killed him with a simple wind blade , was that even possible 

"I would like to make it quick since I have other matters to attend to "

Kiyotaka pov:

Normally I let things take their course but I might have accidentally sealed Dumbledore's ability to apparate as a security measure for some time so until he came I would just deal with all the people here myself , since I guess I was at fault . The things will just drag on if I let them speak so off with his head . With that I kindly showed the death eater my face ,too bad he was dead .

The rest of the death eaters just started running away not that its my job to stop them so I let them Harry Potter still has a role to play in this game and so does Voldemort so for the time being I would like neither of them to die , sensing the magical signature of both Voldemort and Dumbledore approaching I decided to go away for today .

Perhaps I would eat some yogurt today .

Well that is all .

I read some Harry Potter fics and why is everyone of them so weird its like all the authors have decided that bl is cannon for some stupid reason 

Its not like I am saying its bad but come on I want to read one with normal characters , all of them are like  oh lets make Voldemort and Harry fuck each other and all the good characters are evil 

Well sorry for ranting if you guys know some normal Harry Potter fics without bl please let me know 

Peace out.

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