Chapter Three - My New Job

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I rode back to Lillian's house quickly because she was in a car. When I got there she was already there, which wasn't a big surprise. I knew where she lived. I had been there plenty of times before. Sometimes we had even had sex. But that was usually when we were both emotionally damaged. As far as I knew she didn't regret it, and I certainly did not. Although sometimes nasty thoughts would creep into my head, and I would have to shake my head to clear them. I didn't like thinking about those sorts of things. Especially, when they were about Lillian. Lillian was my friend, and the nasty thoughts clouded that, and made me want to use her.

I was never actually a user. I had never used a girl without them using me. It has always been them jumping on me and me accepting it. I was giving them what they wanted, and sometimes not what I wanted. Sometimes I didn't want sex. Usually it was them.

Lillian's house was small, but she had a giant shed where she kept all of her music things. It was the perfect place. We decided that we shouldn't sleep in the same house to prevent anything from happening, so I got to sleep in the shed. Which I was quite happy about, and since it was away from all the houses, I could play as loud as I liked for as long as I liked.

I stole all of Lillian's CDs. Every single one of them. All of them were stacked up in the cupboard. I constantly played them, and sometimes even played along with them. When Lillian would call me for dinner I would hardly hear her, and she usually had to walk inside. Which usually led to her rolling her eyes at me, then turning my stereo off, and unplugging the amp. This was a daily routine, and I liked it. I didn't want to go home. Ever again. This was my new home. Lillian said I could stay here for as long as I needed too, but pretty soon, I needed to get a job and leave. I couldn't bludge off of Lillian forever. And I needed money to pay for a new guitar, or at least pay for the one that Lillian had given to me. She wouldn't take it back, so I'd just pay her. Although she wouldn't take the money, I'd just leave it in her draw then leave.


I woke up at 7 and headed off to have a shower. I had work this morning. Lillian had insisted that I work for her at the music shop. She said that half the money I earned could go towards a new guitar. Meanwhile the other half I could save.

I headed off to work with Lillian. She drove me. I felt bad, I used up all of her power, and her petrol, and her water, and I took up the space in her shed, and now I was taking money from her.

It didn't take long to get to the music shop, and Lillian chucked me the keys to the shop. I looked at her questioningly. "You get to open the shop," she said with a smile, "I'm going shopping for the day while you work." I rolled my eyes. Of course. I got out of the car, and as I turned to wave to Lillian she drove off. I sighed. She hadn't had a day off for ages, she was going to have heaps of fun. At least now I could give her something in return.

I turned towards the music shop, through the darken window I could see a few guitars on display, but not many. I put the keys inside the keyhole and turned it slowly. I felt extremely nervous for some strange reason. I heard the click telling me the door was unlocked so I took the key out. I pushed the door open happily, and walked joyfully towards the front desk. I knew I would be spending most of my time there, but that didn't bother me. After all, it was a music store, and I was allowed to play music.

I turned towards the CD player and saw a stack of CDs. There was Nevermind-Nirvana, Bleach-Nirvana, Ride The Lightening-Metallica, and American Idiot-Green Day. Okay, so there wasn't many albums here, most likely because Lillian didn't put music on that often. And I knew that because whenever I came into the shop it was dead quiet, sometimes with the exception of people talking quietly to themselves about guitars, or sometimes trying out one of the guitars. Either way, there still wasn't that much noise.

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