Chapter 1: The Bet

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Ally was proud.

Ally was proud, but not for the reasons people may think she was. She was proud because she had convinced Dinah to buy a book when they had gone shopping before the tour had started. And Dinah had actually liked the book. Everybody who knows the Polynesian girl could tell you this was an amazing achievement.

“So, I was right, then,” Ally told her bandmate, “I told you if you chose the book yourself, you were going to like it.”

“I loved it, Shorty. It opened my eyes. But don’t tell the others.”

Ally laughed and slapped Dinah’s arm, “Yes, because liking a book is such a horrible thing.”

“They’ll laugh at my book choice, though. You know they will.”

Before Ally could reply, the tour bus door opened and the sound of laughter filled the small space.

“Give me that, Normani! It’s mine!” Camila yelled. She jumped on Normani’s back, trying to take a chocolate bar from her hands.

“No!” Normani yelled back, “Rock beats scissors! I won, so that means the last one is mine!”

Lauren walked inside the bus, giggling while looking at her friends, and closed the door before sitting next to Ally.

“Ok, children, stop.” Ally stood up and took the chocolate bar from Normani’s hand, “Can’t we solve this like adults and just split the chocolate bar in half?”

“Come on, Ally. This was so entertaining. Why did you stop them?” Lauren teased, “Besides, I think Camila won the rock, paper, scissor game.”

“Yes! I totally won,” said Camila “I chose paper, not scissors, it’s just that…”

“Your other fingers are too slow,” Normani finished her sentence, mocking her, “Whatever, I say we split it. And you shut up, Lauren. You know I won.”

“You’re so boring.” Lauren smiled when both, Camila and Normani, stuck out their tongues at each other. It was then that she realized Dinah was staring at her without saying anything. Strange. Lauren looked at her questioningly, “What?”

“Nothing.” The younger girl replied but didn’t look away.

“You’re creeping me out, Dinah.”

Dinah rolled her eyes.

“What were you doing, anyway?” Camila asked sitting next to Dinah, eating her half of the chocolate bar. “You left early.”

“Dinah was telling me about the book she read.” Ally replied calmly.

“Ally!” Dinah sighed, annoyed. Of course, she told the whole band about the book.

Camila, Lauren and Normani looked at each other and started laughing. Ally just smiled innocently.

“Dinah read a book?” Lauren joked, “Was it a children’s book with a lot of pictures?”

“Shut up, Ralph,” Dinah knew Lauren hated that nickname, so she used it, “FYI, it was a really interesting book. More interesting than the books you always tell me to read.”

“How could you know that? You’ve never read the books I’ve suggested”

“I bet you’d like this one, Ralph.” Dinah smiled. A plan was taking form in her mind.

“A bet! Yes!” Normani clapped. “I say Lauren has to read Dinah’s book in a week!”

“Please, guys, that’s silly.” Camila said suddenly, “How is that a bet? Lauren loves to read.”

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