Chapter 4: Smiles and Touches

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So far we have discussed the different kinds of relationships and we have asked you to analyze how you interact with the people around you. Keeping that in mind, let’s question now how this relationships developed to become what they are now.

Every relationship needs a beginning and the most common way to express friendliness is to smile at the other person. A smile is the friendliest gesture person can offer because not only they are opening themselves for an interaction, but also a smile is contagious. The other person will most likely smile back at them.

This exchange can affect the emotional state of a person and create a positive environment that will surround their relationships.

“Lauren?” the voiced called her and she grunted.


“Chill, girl,” Ally came into view and smiled at the green eyed girl who was lying on her bunk giving her an annoyed look, “Will is waiting for us to tell us about today’s schedule.”

Lauren sighed but she got up and followed Ally anyway. The rest of the group was already sitting at the table, talking to their tour manager.

“Thank you for joining us, Lauren.”

“Sorry, Will, I didn’t notice it was time for the meeting.” Lauren apologized and sat next to Dinah.

“Ok, ladies,” Will started while looking at the itinerary, “Today is interview day, so we need to get to the venue earlier.”

Lauren didn’t listen to the rest of the instructions. Her eyes were focused on Camila, who had a big happy smile on her face.

Lauren remembered the night before. She had had so much fun with Camila and although she couldn’t even speak because of the stupid bet, Lauren had felt her stomach fluttering most of the time. In the last few months, Camila and Lauren had gotten so close, even closer than they were before their little breakdown, and it was getting harder to act indifferently towards her friend when they were in public. But Lauren was still so confused about many things. She was confused and she didn’t know what she was confused about.

There should be no awkwardness with friends, and she wanted to joke with Camila in front of everybody; she wanted to hug her and just be silly with her. Lauren wondered if the brown-eyed girl wanted them to stop hiding their friendship from the fans as much as Lauren did.

Dinah pushed Lauren and that brought the green-eyed girl back to reality, “Move, Lolo!”

Lauren hadn’t realized she was blocking the way our for Dinah and Ally, who were staring at her. Normani and Camila were already standing up next to the seating area of the kitchen, laughing at their bandmate. Lauren moved and got up from the table. They started walking out of the bus, clearly following instructions that Will had given them and Lauren had completely ignored.

When only Lauren and Dinah were in the bus, the younger girl got closer to her friend and talked to her quietly.

“That was some serious daydreaming, Lolo.” Dinah’s voice was full of contained laughter, “Or were you too busy staring at…”

“Shut up, Dinah!” Lauren smacked her arm pretending to be angry, “I was just thinking. Let’s go.”

Dinah laughed and walked out the bus, linking arms with Lauren. She knew Lauren well enough to realize she was not angry with her.

They were walking through the parking lot when they noticed someone was jumping ahead of them. Camila.

“Why is she so happy?” Dinah questioned, “She’s in Energizer bunny mode.”

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