Chapter 8: What It Takes

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After finishing the morning interviews, the girls were relaxing in one of the dressing rooms at the venue. Ally and Normani were sitting on the large rug in front of the couch, eating a big piece of hot apple pie that was supposed to be shared with the other girls, but luckily for them everybody else was full after lunch. On one side of the couch, Dinah was taking selfies and humming, and on the other, Camila was scrolling down on her phone while lying her head comfortably on Lauren's lap. The older girl was playing with Camila's hair with one hand and holding Dinah's book with the other. She stopped reading, though, when she felt eyes on her.

"What?" she asked Ally and Normani, who were looking at her and smiling.

"We were saying that it's amazing how close you are to winning the bet." Ally answered, eating her last piece of dessert.

"Yes, I mean, you've almost finished that book, haven't you?" said Normani, pointing at the book in her hand.

"Almost." Lauren smiled and untangled her hand from Camila's hair just long enough to turn a page, "I am actually on the last page."

"Mani, let Lauser finish the last page." Dinah interrupted but didn't stop taking selfies, "I don't want no whining from her saying we distract her."

Lauren raised her eyebrows in surprise at her bandmate's sudden thoughtful attitude. It was something that happened so rarely, so Lauren took advantage of it and started reading the last page. The last few paragraphs were pretty much a summary of what had been explained in the book, with a lot of recommendations and tips. But what really surprised Lauren was a simple sentence written with a pen, that she recognized as Dinah's handwriting. They had spend so much time together for Lauren not to recognize it.

It was always as clear to see and read as this book.

Lauren tensed up, wondering if this was a message from her bandmate or just a random thing she had wanted to write. Camila felt the sudden change in Lauren and stared at her, waiting for the older girl to look back at her, but when she didn't, Camila took Lauren's wrist and pulled it down, so she could see the book and whatever had shocked Lauren.

When she saw Dinah's sentence she frowned and looked at her best friend, but the Polynesian girl was smirking at her phone and trying to get a selfie. Camila looked at Lauren again, who looked back and just shrugged her shoulders, trying to assure Camila, and herself, that the message had meant nothing.

"I finished it!" Lauren announced, closing the book and throwing it at Dinah, making the book impact on her stomach.

"Ralph, stop attacking me." Dinah grabbed the book from her lap, "So, did you like it?"

"It was interesting." Lauren admitted, playing with Camila's hair with both hands now, "Definitely instructive."

"And now we just have to wait until midnight to see if Camila finishes her part of the bet." Normani said.

"She will." Lauren moved her hands to Camila's cheeks to pinch them sweetly, "I'm sure she will."

"Why don't we let people predict." Dinah said suddenly, her face lighting up, proud of the sudden idea in her mind, "I'll make a video."

"Do it!" Ally encouraged her, grabbing Normani's arm and making her move closer to the couch, "Tell our harmonizers what the bet was about."

As Dinah moved her phone so all of them were seen on the screen, Camila sat up to distance herself from Lauren but the older girl didn't let her. She wrapper her arms around Camila's waist and held her close, so the younger girl was sitting almost on her lap. Camila turned her head and looked her Lauren, surprised.

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