Chapter 6: Dancing and Jealousy

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Lauren and Normani were sitting on a couch in the dressing room, waiting for their turns at Glam. Normani was telling the green-eyed girl about some article she had seen on twitter but Lauren wasn't really paying attention to her friend. Her mind was too busy being scared of her own feelings.

Lauren hadn't said it out loud or shared it with anybody but she had admitted it to herself the night before. She was falling for Camila and she was terrified at the possibility of Camila not feeling the same way about her. It didn't matter how much Camila’s body language seemed to be transmitting something, Lauren kept telling herself that there were possibilities of everything being a huge misunderstanding and that scared her to death.

Should she talk to Camila and tell her everything? What if Camila started feeling awkward around her? What if she ruined their friendship? Lauren knew Camila would never hate her but she didn't want to push her friend out of her comfort zone.

“Are you even listening to me, Laur?” Normani snapped her fingers in front of Lauren’s face.

“What? Yes, yes, of course I am,” Lauren tried to remember something from the past minutes, “I agree, I love that song too.”

“I stopped talking about the song ages ago,” Normani smiled and shook her head disapprovingly, “What’s going on inside that beautiful mind of yours?”

“Nothing, Mani, I just didn't sleep well last night and I'm sleepy.” Lauren defended herself and it was partially true.

Before Normani could say anything else, though, a loud groan filled the room. The both turned to the other couch in the room to see Camila squeezing the life out of Dinah. Or cuddling, as she would call it.

“Chancho, I’m suffocating. Get off!” Dinah said, pushing her friend.

Camila stood up and pouted although she knew the Polynesian was half joking. All of the sudden, Camila smiled mischievously and took her phone out of her pocket.

“Whatcha doing now, Walz?” Dinah asked, looking suspiciously at the smirk on Camila’s face.

When Camila finally put her phone down on the couch, ‘Thinking Out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran started playing and Camila held her hand out, silently asking her friend to dance.

“Oh, no, Chancho, you know I'm not dancing that song with you.” Dinah crossed her arms to hide her hands.

“I don't get it,” Lauren leaned over and whispered to Normani after watching the interaction between the younger girls.

“This morning they were watching the music video of that song and Dinah said the dance was...” Normani giggled and did air quotes, “piece of cake.”

“And Camila wants her to dance with her now.” Lauren completed, understanding the whole scene in front of her.

“Yup.” Normani replied before directing her eyes back to her phone.

“Chancho, no! I'm not dancing with you!” Dinah groaned when Camila started to pull her by the arm, “Why don't you ask Jacob to dance? He'd love that.”

Lauren senses jumped to high alert at Dinah’s words.

“I could dance much better than Dinah.” Lauren stood up from her spot on the couch as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them.

All eyes were on her and she pressed her lips together.

“Well then, that’s your dance partner, Chancho.” Dinah said when she recovered from the shock, pointing at Lauren.

Lauren didn’t know what to do. She thought about sitting down and saying it was a joke. Maybe the others would believe her and forget the last 10 seconds. But she didn't have time to say anything because Camila was already in front of her, hand held out and a happy smile on her face.

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