Epilogue: Say It Again

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A/N: Sorry about the delay! Finals week is to blame. Anyway, here's a long last chapter/epilogue for you. Enjoy!


"Good morning, everybody!" Camila yelled as she walked into the kitchen area of the bus where the rest of her bandmates were having breakfast, "How are you all feeling this beautiful morning?"

Lauren and Ally smiled when Dinah and Normani covered their ears.

"Someone's enjoying being able to speak again." Ally said.

"Well, there go our days of peace and quiet" joked Normani.

Camila skipped to her friend and hugged her tightly, "I love you, too, Mani!" then she also pulled Ally into the hug, "And you, Ally, my sunshine."

"What about me?" Dinah complained from her spot in the small couch and crossed her arms.

"Of course I love you, mi Chinita!" Camila walked to her friend and squeezed her in her arms.

"Okay, that's too much, Chancho. Let me go." the taller girl pushed Camila away but the big smile on her face told everybody she was just joking. She had obviously missed her best friend talking to her all the time.

"You're just angry because Lauren and I won the bet," Camila raised her eyebrows at her, proud of her accomplishment.

Lauren felt an unfamiliar warmth in her heart at her name coming out of Camila's mouth. The younger girl had called her name thousands of times before, of course, but since the previous night, it felt different. Everything felt different.

"Sure, I helped her win the bet but I don't get a good morning hug," Lauren pouted.

Camila's face lit up even more and her smile widened. She sat next to the older girl and cuddled close to her, "You're my favorite, Lo."

"Hey!" Dinah stared at Camila.

"You made me stay silent for a week, Cheechee, so you've lost your spot at the top of my list. Sorry" Camila simply said, getting comfortable in Lauren's arms.

"Whatever." the Polynesian girl rolled her eyes, "I need a camren picture anyway."

"What? Why?" Lauren asked.

"I promised our fans I would post a picture of the winners."

Lauren rolled her eyes at her friend because she knew Dinah had done it on purpose. She knew the effect that picture would have in their fans.

"Are you trying to break the internet?" Camila asked Dinah, "We'll think about it."

Dinah jumped excitedly and Lauren raised an eyebrow, surprised by Camila's words.

As soon as the other girls focused on their own conversations and activities, and stopped paying attention to them, Lauren leaned and whispered on Camila's ear, "Were you serious?"

"Of course," Camila answered, her attention on the bowl of cereal in front of her, "You are my favorite."

"Not about that," Lauren rolled her eyes and smiled, "About the picture."

"Yes, I mean, why not?" the younger girl shrugged her shoulders.

Lauren knew they weren't going to say anything about their newly discovered relationship but they did want to show people that they were getting closer again. So, Camila was right. It was only a picture. It would mean nothing.


Later that day, Camila was still talking non-stop; almost as if she was trying to get revenge on her friends for making the bet in the first place. But their fans were delighted during the meet and greet, listening to her telling them all about the bet.

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