⭒ I wish that you had thought this through, before I went and fell in love with you ⭒
Aries Melania Black, the youngest of the noble and most ancient house of Black.
Her entire life she has been told that she belongs in Slytherin but when she arriv...
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"NOBODY PANIC! NO ONE PANIC! STOP PANICKING!" James shouted loudly, he gathered things into a bag.
"James, you are the only one panicking." Lily said, breathing in and out, Marlene had her arm around her shoulder trying to comfort her.
"Because you're telling everyone not to panic." Aries said, taking over and packing the bag. "You don't need your invisibility cloak."
"Prongs, lower your voice, I'm begging you." Remus said, covering his ears.
"Here." Peter said, passing him his and Lily's new kitten.
James held the ginger kneazle in confusion. "Why am I holding Crookshanks?"
"Because you need to relax-"
"OH MY FUCKING GOD! LILY IS HAVING THE BABY WHY IS NOBODY PANICKING?!" Sirius shouted running into the room frantically.
"Once this baby is out of me, I'm going to kill both of you." Lily huffed.
"Here he is, our little Harry Potter." James said, he had calmed down a considerable amount from that previous day, his eyes lit up with joy as he and Lily walked in with their new addition.
"Oh my god, he's so tiny." Marlene said, the group gathered around them.
"God, he looks just like you Prongs," Sirius said, looking at the sleeping baby.
James grinned widely. "Except for his eyes, he's got Lils."
"Can I have a hold?" Sirius asked, James nodded and put Harry in his arms.
Aries smiled softly as she lent on Peter's arm, he kissed the top of her head as James spoke again.
"We've also decided on godparents-"
"Yes, I will do it, I will protect this little boy for the rest of my life-" Sirius said solemnly.
"I know you will Pads, which is why you're the godfather." James said, a smile etched across his face, "and of course he needs a godmother." He turned his head towards Marlene.
"Me?" she asked, her eyes widened, she hesitated. "Me?"
Lily smiled at her. "I know that you'll be the best godmother Harry will ever have."
Marlene looked at Lily then back at Harry with a loving smile. "I'm his godmother."
"Oh my gosh, never in my life did I think I would see the one and only Marlene McKinnon cry."
"Fuck off Black."
"No swearing in front of the baby." James scolded.
Aries cleared her throat. "If Marlene is godmother... does that mean the Auntie role is back open?"
James nodded. "Of course it is."
Later that evening it was Aries' turn to hold little baby Harry.
"He's so tiny." Aries said quietly, Peter sat next to them peering over her shoulder.
He nodded and smiled. "He really is, I hope he turns out like Lily, I don't think we could handle another James."
Aries laughed, "He's not so bad, but yes I agree with you."
Harry stretched as he awoke and blinked a few times. "Hello Harry," she cooed, her heart melted.
"Merlin, this is making me want to have our own." Peter said, stoking Harry's cheek.
Aries smiled, "Not yet, I want to finish uni first."
"Of course, and then we'll have our little Peter Pettigrew the second-"
"We are not naming them Peter Pettigrew the second." she laughed.
Peter frowned. "It's a perfect name."
Aries shook her head. "No, I don't know what we'll call them, as long as it's not a star or constellation. I don't want to continue that tradition."
Peter nodded knowingly. "We won't." he kissed her cheek.
"Hey, hey, hey, stop kissing in front of the baby." Sirius said, sitting in between them.
"How's my little godson?" he ignored them, turning his attention to Harry.
"He's telling his godfather to piss off and let him stay in his auntie's arms."
"Very funny Aries, but he can't speak yet." Sirius said, mocking her. "Can I hold him?"
She nodded and placed him in his arms.
"I'm gonna get some drinks." Peter said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.
"So... Peter Pettigrew the second huh?"
"Shut up, Sirius." she grinned, shaking her head.
Sirius grinned, "I think it's cute."
"Remus said no to calling your kid Sirius Black the fourth, didn't he?"
"Yes, me and Pete are gonna make a club to convince you both to name the children after their fathers."
"Remus will just name them Remus."
"Ah, fuck yeah." he sighed, rocking the baby.
"Father is dying." she said after a bit of silence, she still hadn't told him about the unexpected visit yet.
"Huh?" Sirius said, looking up at her.
"He came to see me a few months ago, at the flat."
His expression grew worried. "Did he hurt you-"
"No, he didn't do anything. He wanted to apologise, and he said he still loved us after everything-"
"Fucking bastard never loved us."
"I know, I told him that." Aries looked down. "Told him he should have stopped her."
Sirius nodded, staring at the door frame, "I hope they both rot."