Chapter Fifty Five: Traitor

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Grab a drink and get comfy besties xx

Grab a drink and get comfy besties xx

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23rd December 1980

"Right, Christmas eve and day, at Andy's are you all coming?" Sirius asked, plopping down on the sofa next to James, who was holding a baby Harry in his arms. "Yes, Pete, Air's gonna be there too, before you ask."

"I wasn't going to ask, I was going to assume she was already going to be there. Also she already invited me, so I don't need your invitation." Peter scoffed.

"Oh, sorry, are we not good enough?" Sirius asked, offendedly putting his hand on his chest.

"Nah, not really." Peter laughed.

"Wow, thanks Wormtail." James shook his head. "I'll remember that in ten years."


Sirius grinned as he looked over at Harry. "How does he get cuter everyday?"

"He obviously takes after his father-"

"No he doesn't" Remus shook his head with a grin. "Right, come on Sirius, we've got to go. I've still gotta go see my mum and for some reason she loves you and wants to see you."

Sirius grinned brightly. "Of course she does, I'm amazing."

Peter stifled a laugh.

"Right well, Pete you're uninvited to Christmas." Sirius grunted.

"No he's not, he's got special girlfriend privileges." Remus laughed, putting his arm around him.

Sirius glared at Peter, "This is literally the only time I hate that you're dating my sister."

"Shut up, you love me really." Peter smirked, as he stood up as well. "I should get going as well."

"Last minute shopping huh?" James asked.

"Just one more thing I have to pick up," he nodded.

"Anything special?" Sirius piqued his interest.

"Nothing for you," Peter shook his head.

James nodded. "Ahh, for Aries?"


"Nice one, see you all tomorrow. Say bye, Harry." James picked up his small hand and waved. "He's a little tired."

They left Potter manor, Peter heading to Diagon Alley to pick up the last present.

He walked down towards the jewellers nearby Knockturn alley, a bell rang as he opened the door.

"Ahh, Mr Pettigrew." the shop owner nodded, walking down a ladder, he looked beneath the counter pulling out a small black box. "Just as you requested, I hope everything is up to your standards."

Traitor ⭒ Peter PettigrewWhere stories live. Discover now