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Aries Black opened her eyes.

This can't be happening. It can't be.

"Miss Black? Please make your way to your house table." Professor McGonagall said, waiting to call out the next student.

Aries shook her head. "Miss, there must be a mistake. I can't- there's no way."

"The hat sorted correctly, please make your way to your table."

Aries looked at her twin brother Regulus who stared at her wide eyed, he'd not been sorted yet.

She made eye contact with Sirius sitting at the Gryffindor table with his friends, he gave a nod and smile, a way to comfort her as she walked down the steps.

"I heard her brother was sorted into Gryffindor last year." a student whispered.

"The whole family is supposed to be in Slytherin." her friend nodded.

Aries stumbled towards the Hufflepuff table, she felt hot under her robes, she wanted to floor to cave in and swallow her up. Her parents would be mad.

"Remember Aries, Slytherin. The noble house of Black are all Slytherins." her father's voice rang through her head.


The sorting hat shouted, Aries looked up as her brother walked towards the emerald green table. He took a seat next to their cousin Narcissa, Regulus glanced at Aries for a split second then turned away.

"Oi, Air?" Sirius whispered, he leaned over from the Gryffindor table, his face filled with concern. "You okay?"

She swallowed hard.

What will they think? Mother is going to kill me.


"I'm fine, Sirius." She lied.

"Don't overthink it. I was in your position last year."

Aries remembered the year before, when her Mother found out about him.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Walburga's screech echoed through the house, Aries and Regulus sat on the stairs overhearing their parents. "No child of mine is in Gryffindor!"

"It must be a mistake. I will send an owl to the school tomorrow, they'll put this right." Orion said.

But they didn't. Sirius belonged in Gryffindor. Which meant Aries belonged in Hufflepuff.

A young girl sat opposite Aries, her hair was in several braids, her dark brown eyes studied Aries then she smiled. "Hi, I'm Dorcas Meadowes."

Aries gave her a small smile. "Aries Black."

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