Chapter Eight: Captive

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Her head pounded as she woke, she tried to touch it but her arms were restricted behind her

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Her head pounded as she woke, she tried to touch it but her arms were restricted behind her. She could hear the clanks of the chains buckle together. She looked around her area, she seemed to be in a dungeon.

"Well, you're awake. How was your sleep?" an amused voice said.

Aries looked up at Rodolphus Lestrange who stood by the door, a small grin on his face. "I apologise for the lack of... comfort but you know. We had no choice."

"So this was the second option?" Aries asked, "Thought it would be worse-"

"Watch your tone Black." he sneered.

"I'm guessing you've realised you can't torture the answer out of me?" Aries said, looking at him. "Otherwise you would have already done that, am I correct?"

Rodolphus didn't answer.

"So I guess there's really not much you can do, is there?"

"The Fidelius charm has its loopholes," he said, walking towards her.

"There may be loopholes, but you have to find them first. And how long is that going to take you?" Aries said, Rodolphus knelt down in front of her, his cold hand gripping her jaw.

"When we find them you'll be the first to find out, because you will have to tell us where the Potter's are, and then you will be the reason for their death. But don't worry, Black. You won't have to live with the guilt for long, because once they're dead you will be soon after."

Aries moved her head away from his hand. "I won't tell you."

"You keep telling yourself that, Black." he taunted, he checked over the restraints. "These seem a little loose don't they?"

Aries winced as he used a spell to tighten them.

"There, much better, isn't it?" he smiled. "Just because we can't torture you doesn't mean we can't make your stay very uncomfortable."

He left the room leaving her alone.


The hours rolled by slowly, Aries had no idea how long she'd been there. She'd tried to wiggle her way out of the cuffs but she had no luck.

It had grown dark now, she couldn't see anything, just the crescent moon through the small window.

She heard the door open and footsteps hurry towards her, she flinched as they stopped in front of her.

"Aries?" they said softly.

She let out a shaky breath of relief. "Peter?"

"Yeah, it's me." he said, circling behind her and undoing the chains. Aries massaged the indents on her wrists. "You okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Fine, it just hurts a little." she replied.

Peter took a hold of her arm, "We need to get out of here." They proceeded to leave the dungeon.

"What's happening? This wasn't part of-" Aries began as they ran past a door. "There's a door there- Pete- we just passed a door-"

His grip grew tighter on her arm as she tried to pull away.
"What are you doing? That hurts, Peter-" she was cut off as he pushed her against the wall, his hand gripped her collar.

"Peter?" she stammered, he grinned as his face began to twitch, his blue eyes turned into a dark brown, Barty Crouch Jr stood in front of her.

Aries pulled out his grip attempting to run but Barty tripped her up.

"Not so fast Black," he said.

She let out a yelp as he pulled her up from her hair. "Let me go!" she cried.

"Oh, but you're about to miss the show." he glowered, keeping her in a hold, they entered a room, the candle lights lit up as they entered.

"Seems as though we're a little early." Barty said.

There was a loud bang as the door opened she watched as two death eaters dragged Peter into the room.

"Peter!" she called out, he lifted his head up, bruises all over his face, his left eye had closed up, blood all over his clothes. "What did you do to him!"

She tried to run towards him but Barty held her back.

"We figured we had a traitor amongst us," he said. "We were right, your little boyfriend thought he was smarter than us, but we were one step ahead of him."

Rodolphus walked towards her. "Do you remember what we talked about? Loopholes?" he said, moving her hair from her face. "We can't torture you for the information we so desperately need, right?" He turned back to Peter. "But what happens when we torture someone you love-"

"No- no please don't-" Aries shook her head.

Rodolphus tutted. "Don't hurt him, I'll do anything." he mocked.

"Please don't hurt him-"

"I won't have to, if you tell me where the Potter's are."

Aries started to shake her head but Rodolphus rolled his eyes. "CRUCIO!" he shouted, pointing his wand at Peter.

His screams echoed through the room, Aries cried out. "STOP IT! PLEASE STOP IT!"

Barty had to double his grip whilst she tried to worm her way out.

"You know what you have to do Aries, it's not that hard. Just tell us where they are?"

"I can't-"


Peter had fallen to the ground, writhing as the curse continued.

Aries shut her eyes tightly, as his screams got louder she shook her head unable to bear it anymore. "GODRIC'S HOLLOW!"

It went silent. Peter looked at her, shaking his head.

"The Potter's are at Godric's Hollow." she breathed out, she looked at Peter. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Rodolphus wiped the tears from her face, which she flinched as he did so. "And you said you weren't going to tell us. Let's go," he said to the other death eaters. "And remember Black. This is all your fault."

The death eaters scurried out slamming the door behind them.

All their efforts to destroy Voldemort and save Harry were gone, Aries had ruined it all.


Okay okay, here me out before you shout at me (which you probably already have done...)

And now you're all waiting for a reason... Welp I don't have one, soz

Hope you enjoyed even tho you probs didn't ✌🏻

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